Protection remains number one packaging priority but consumers also want sustainability

Protection remains number one packaging priority but consumers also want sustainability

Brand new ConsumerX research, in partnership with Mondi Group, highlights that once again consumers rate protection as their ecommerce packaging top priority. Some 95% say that it is important or very important.

The same proportion believe that ecommerce packaging should be secure or suitable for valuable products. These figures are up slightly from last year. Sentiment is strongest for these two protection factors, with more than half (56% and 53%) of respondents rating them as very important.

Other priorities are also broadly similar to last year’s report. Sustainability continues to be key. 80% feel it is important or very important that packaging is sustainable and 78% believe that ecommerce packaging should be recyclable. Just over a third (34%) feel very strongly. More than a quarter (27%) say the use of paper-based material is very important and a further 44% believe it is important.

Turkish consumers feel the strongest about the need for sustainable ecommerce packaging. More than half (54%) rate it very important, compared to only 24% of Polish consumers. The country figures are similar to last year’s findings.

The generational split is also similar to last year’s report with no real difference between the ages. However, sustainability sentiment is slightly stronger for Boomers, who rank five percentage points ahead of Generation Z in viewing sustainable packaging as being very important or important to them (84% vs 79%).

Consumer willingness to pay extra for ecommerce packaging that best suits their needs remains almost static compared to last year’s report. Those willing to pay up to 1% extra (27%) or 1-5% (28%) are nearly identical to 2024.

However, those who don’t want to pay anything have risen four percentage points to 38%. French consumers are the most resistant to paying extra, with more than half (51%) refusing, compared to a quarter (25%) of Czechs. Shoppers in Czechia are also the most willing to pay a 1-5% premium, with more than a third (36%) saying they would.

In the analysis of packaging’s role, Boomers were marginally more likely to rate sustainable packaging as important. However, they are the most resistant to paying the price for packaging that best meets their desires. More than half (53%) of Boomers don’t want to pay extra, compared to less than a quarter of Generation Z consumers (23%).

This is an extract from the newly published Mondi Group ecommerce trend report which explores the results of the annual consumer sentiment survey which examines how consumers in six key markets are shopping online, their priorities for ecommerce packaging and in this year’s report also dives deep into their opinions around sustainability.

In this 2025 report, we have survey more than 6,000 consumers in six markets (Czechia, France, Germany, Poland, Sweden and Türkiye) to understand how consumer sentiment and behaviour is changing, as well as expanding the breadth of the survey with additional questions to bring fresh insight.

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The post Protection remains number one packaging priority but consumers also want sustainability appeared first on InternetRetailing.

February 7, 2025 at 12:05PM
Liz Morrell

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