Exploration of MAB phase formation in the Fe-Y-Al-B system using thin film materials libraries


Exploration of MAB phase formation in the Fe-Y-Al-B system using thin film materials libraries

1. Introduction

Transition metal ceramics are characterized by their high melting points, high thermal stability and oxidation resistance as well as excellent mechanical properties, such as high hardness. A special subclass is nanolaminated ceramics with MAX phases at the forefront [1] followed by a more recent addition of MAB phases [2], [3]. MAX and MAB phases are both ternary systems composed of a transition metal (M), an A-group element (A) as well as C and/or N (X) or B. MAB phases in particular are interesting since the favored M−elements are shifted towards higher group numbers compared to MAX phases and thus include magnetic elements such as Mn, Fe, Co, and Ni in thermodynamically stable ternary MAB phase configurations. The resultant properties make MAB phases, e.g., Fe2AlB2[4], promising candidates for magnetic and magnetocaloric applications.

Owing to their structural and chemical versatility, MAX and MAB phases provide an extensive platform for materials design. Adjustments of composition is a viable approach for tuning materials properties and adding new functionalities. For MAX phases in particular, M−site solid-solutions have been extensively explored, where mixing two transition metals results in either a disordered distribution [5], [6] or a chemically ordered arrangement [7], [8] on the M−sublattice. The latter is particularly intriguing and has led to realization of two-dimensional (2D) derivatives (MXenes) with remarkably improved capacitance and catalytic properties [9]. The prospect of ordered MAB phases was opened by theoretical predictions and subsequent synthesis of in-plane ordered (Mo2/3Y1/3)2AlB2 and (Mo2/3Sc1/3)2AlB2[10] as well as out-of-plane ordered Ti4MoSiB2[11], coined i-MAB and o-MAB phases, respectively, realized by Dahlqvist et al., immediately expanded to theoretical high-throughput materials stability studies [12], [13]. First-principles density functional theory (DFT) calculations were used to assess thermodynamic stability of a MAB phase by comparing its energy to the energy of a set of the most competing phases determined by linear optimization procedure. Chemical disorder on the M−sublattice was modelled using special quasi-random structure (SQS) method. Contribution from configurational entropy was considered and formation energies were calculated at typical MAB phase bulk synthesis temperature of 2000 K. Additional temperature effects, such as lattice vibrations, were disregarded, since such contributions tend to cancel out in the calculated stability. The predictive power of the studies is corroborated by all to date experimentally realized MAB phases identified as thermodynamically stable. Most importantly, a large subgroup of 39 in-plane ordered and 52 chemically disordered quaternary MAB phases were predicted as thermodynamically stable [12]. The established theoretical protocol confirmed by experimental synthesis motivates further exploration of new element combinations in quest of novel MAB phases.

The present work was motivated by the theoretical study of Dahlqvist and Rosen [12] and aims for the experimental verification of the MAB phase (Fe2/3Y1/3)2AlB2. In Ref. [12] this phase is predicted as the most stable quaternary i-MAB phase with M2AB2 stoichiometry, but it has not yet been synthesized. The ternary phase Fe2AlB2 has been thoroughly investigated due to its promising magnetic and magnetocaloric properties [4], [14], [15]. Furthermore, Y is a common element in i-MAX phase synthesis [16] and Y-containing i-MAB phases have been reported [10]. We investigate the Fe-Y-Al-B system by using combinatorial thin film synthesis followed by high-throughput X-ray diffraction (XRD) and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) characterizations as well as further transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and atom probe tomography (APT) analysis for samples selected from the materials libraries (MLs).

2. Materials and methods

Two MLs of the system Fe-Y-Al-B were synthesized as thin films with continuous composition spreads on 100 mm diameter single crystal Al2O3(0001) wafers by confocal co-sputtering from 100 mm diameter elemental Fe (purity 99.99 %), Y (99.9 %), Al (99.9995 %), and two B (99.5 %) targets in an ultra-high vacuum (UHV) magnetron sputtering system (DCA Instruments, Finland). The targets were positioned at 19 cm target-to-substrate distance with an inclination angle of 45° with respect to the substrate surface. Al and the two B targets were operated in radio frequency (RF) mode at 84 W and 300 W, respectively, while Fe and Y were sputtered in direct current (DC) mode, both at 17 W for ML1 and 17 W and 8 W, respectively, for ML2. Two B targets were operated at maximum power in order to compensate for the low sputtering rate inherent to B. In order to prevent thermal shock, the B targets were bonded on a Cu plate and the applied power was increased at a rate of 50 W/min. Prior to the depositions, the substrates were cleaned in acetone and isopropanol ultrasonic baths for 5 min each, heated at 50 °C/min to the deposition temperature of 700 °C and held at it for 10 min to ensure equal temperature distribution and removal of surface adsorbents. The base pressure was ∼ 2 x 10-6 Pa at room temperature (RT) and ∼ 2 x 10-5 Pa at 700 °C. 6 N grade Ar (99.9999 at.%) was used as the sputter gas at 20 sccm flow and 0.26 Pa partial pressure. The depositions were carried out for 30 min and 1 h for ML1 and ML2, respectively. The experimental conditions were based on previously optimized synthesis of Cr2AlB2 MAB phase [17].

Images of as-deposited MLs were taken using an in-house built photo setup [18]. A high-throughput approach was implemented for investigations of the thin film composition spreads [19]. On each ML, a grid consisting of 342 measurement areas (MAs) with the size of 4.5 mm x 4.5 mm was defined. MLs were characterized by automated methods including XRD for phase analysis and EDX measurements in a scanning electron microscope (SEM) for composition analysis. The composition of selected MAs closest to each target were further investigated with X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) in order to determine the composition range of ML2. Subsequently, regions and specific MAs of interest were identified and further investigated by high-resolution (scanning) TEM (HR(S)TEM) and APT.

Symmetric θ-2θ XRD measurements for phase identification were performed using a Bruker D8 Discover diffractometer equiped with a Cu Kα source (λ = 0.154 nm) and a VÅNTEC-500 area detector positioned at a 149 mm sample-to-detector distance. MLs were mounted on a 127 mm diameter vacuum chuck stage, the X-ray beam was collimated to 1 mm diameter and for each MA a 2θ range from 5° to 80° was covered by collecting five frames for 30 s each at 2θ of 20°, 30°, 40°, 50°, and 60°. DIFFRAC.EVA (Bruker) software was implemented to integrate the frames into one-dimentional (1D) data sets. A Python script was used to automate the conversion process.

The elemental composition maps were obtained using an automated EDX system in a SEM (JEOL 5800). The EDX spectra were collected for 40 s at 20 kV acceleration voltage and 10 mm working distance. The SEM-EDX data analysis was performed implementing a standard ZAF correction process provided by the INCA Energy software (Oxford Instruments).

XPS measurements were performed on a Kratos Axis Nova with a monochromatic Al Kα X-ray source operated at 180 W (15 mA, 12 kV) and a delay-line detector with 20 eV pass energy. Normalized compositions were determined based on the Fe 2p, B 1 s, Y 3d, and Al 2p regions, using the Kratos Escape software with its predefined relative sensitivity factors.

Cross-sectional samples for TEM analysis were prepared by focused ion beam (FIB) milling in a dual beam FIB/SEM system (FEI Helios G4 CX) operated at 30 kV using a Ga+ ion beam. The samples were thinned to ∼ 100 nm thickness and cleaned from both sides with a low-voltage (5 kV) ion beam as the final sample preparation step to minimize FIB damage.

TEM overview images were recorded using a FEI Tecnai Supertwin F20. HRTEM and HR(S)TEM imaging and lattice-resolved EDX were carried out using a Cs-probe corrected JEOL JEM NeoARM200F operated at 200 kV. A Cs-image corrected Titan Themis 80–300 from Thermo Fisher operated at 300 kV was used in scanning (S)TEM mode to acquire overview EDX maps with the attached FEI Super-X EDX detector.

Needle-shaped APT samples were prepared using a dual beam FIB/SEM system (FEI Helios G4 CX) following a standard approach [20]. To avoid any loss of the Fe-Y-Al-B thin film during the FIB-based milling process, a 160 nm thick Ni protective layer was deposited on the thin film. APT measurements were performed on a LEAP 5000 XR™ (CAMECA Instruments) using laser pulsing at 65 K with 30 pJ laser energy at a pulse repetition rate of 200 kHz and a detection rate of 0.006 atoms per pulse. The APT data was reconstructed and analyzed by IVAS 3.8.12 software.

3. Results

Fig. 1a shows the distribution of relative Fe and Y contents and selected Fe:Y ratios measured by SEM-EDX. The two MLs combined cover composition gradients in the range from 29.7 to 87.2 % of M−element for Fe and from 12.8 to 70.3 % of M−element for Y, i.e., Fe:Y = 6.8:1–1:2.4. Based on the theoretical prediction that (Fe2/3Y1/3)2AlB2 is stable while (Fe1/3Y2/3)2AlB2 is not [12], more emphasis was given on the Fe-rich compositions. The targeted ratio of Fe:Y = 2:1 was achieved in each ML, but at the opposite sides of the composition spreads, i.e., at the Al-rich side in ML2 and B-rich side in ML1. In the latter ML, the inverse ratio of Fe:Y = 1:2 was additionally covered at the Al-rich side. In Fig. 1a regions with Fe:Y ratios of 2:1, 1:1, and 1:2 for ML1 as well as 4:1 and 2:1 for ML2 are highlighted. Al and B contents have not been determined due to the strong Al signal originating from the Al2O3 substrate and low EDX sensitivity to B. The composition range of ML2 was assessed by XPS to be Fe 5–58 at.%, Y 4–14 at.%, Al 16–76 at.%, and B 14–31 at.%. The maximum concentrations of each element were measured at the MAs with the shortest distance to the target of the respective element (encircled red in Fig. 1a)).

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Fig. 1. a) Pie-chart diagrams showing relative Fe and Y elemental compositions determined by SEM-EDX at each of the 342 mas in ml1 and ml2. highlighted regions corresponding to different Fe:Y ratios of 2:1, 1:1 and 1:2 for ML1 and 4:1 and 2:1 for ML2 within ±3 % range are marked in the lower diagrams in green boxes with yellow core. The MAs of ML2 encircled red were analyzed by XPS. b) Photograph of as-deposited ML2 along with the target configuration relative to the substrate. The two MAs selected for TEM analysis are marked as MA1 and MA2 in a) and b) with purple dots. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

Fig. 1b shows a photograph of the as-deposited ML2. The sputter target positions relative to the substrate are indicated. Two MAs, corresponding to two different Fe:Y ratios of 4:1 and 2:1 and selected for further cross-sectional TEM analysis, are marked.

Two different types of XRD patterns are observed in the 342 MAs grids of ML2. One set is composed of four peaks which occur in the displayed 2θ region of 15° to 70° (Fig. 2a). Two of the peaks (31.0° and 64.9°) match the values typical for (001) and (002) planes of the Fe2AlB2 (ICSD-20322) MAB phase while the other two (27.0° and 55.7°) belong to the Fe-Y-Al-B matrix. This XRD pattern is resembling the mixture of crystal structures occurring in the selected region MA1. The second type of XRD pattern has three peaks in the 2θ region of 15° to 70° with one at 44.5°originating from Al being present in the Al-rich part of the ML2. The peaks at 26.2° and 54.0° belong to the Fe-Y-Al-B matrix. The selected region MA2 has this characteristic XRD pattern (Fig. 2a) indicating that no MAB phase formed. A change of the position of the Fe-Y-Al-B matrix peak towards lower angles at higher Y (and correspondingly lower Fe) contents along the dashed arrow in Fig. 2b is illustrated in Fig. 2c, possibly indicating solid solubility on a shared lattice site, where substitution of Fe with larger Y atoms results in lattice expansion. In contrast, the peak related to the MAB phase at 31.0° does not change its position and is thus not affected by the composition gradients, however, the peak gradually decreases in intensity and eventually vanishes with increasing Y content. The 2D XRD frames of all MAs show arcs for all diffraction angles, indicating a textured film where grains tilt up to ± 20° with respect to the surface normal. Based on the XRD and SEM-EDX results, further investigations were focused on the two MAs marked in Fig. 2b with corresponding XRD shown in Fig. 2a. MA1 exhibits the highest intensity of the 31.0° and 64.9° set of peaks and MA2 has only the 26.2° and 54.0° set of peaks present. The corresponding Fe:Y ratios are 4:1 and 2:1.

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Fig. 2. a) Results of the high-throughput XRD measurements for ML2 shown as a color-coded diagram. MAs where MAB phase has formed are highlighted in orange. The two MAs (MA1 and MA2) selected for in-depth TEM analysis are marked with corresponding XRD patterns shown in c). A series of XRD patterns of selected MAs along the arrow indicated in a) are presented in b) and show the effect of increasing Y content on phase formation. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

In ML1, deposited at identical experimental conditions, but with doubled power on the Y target, no peaks corresponding to Fe2AlB2 were detected in the XRD patterns of all investigated MAs.

MA1 and MA2, corresponding to Fe:Y ratios of 4:1 and 2:1, respectively, were further studied in cross-sectional TEM. The corresponding microstructures are compared in Fig. 3. The film growth in MA1 starts with a ∼ 25 nm nucleation layer followed by anisotropic grain overgrowth showing a tendency for a columnar growth of elongated grains oriented perpendicular to the substrate. In this aspect the growth mode is similar to previously synthesized Cr2AlB2[21] and MoAlB [22], [23] MAB phase thin films. However, in MA1 the grains do not acquire the reported feather-like or layered appearance and are overall finer/narrower with less defined shapes. The image in Fig. 3a was acquired using a bright field (BF) (S)TEM detector, which specifically accentuates different grain orientations, suggesting a severe grain overlap, and reveals, that only a fraction of the grains is favorably oriented along their zone axis for subsequent HRTEM investigation. In addition, the microstructure of MA1 is relatively dense compared to chimney-like Cr2AlB2[21] or often porosity-prone MoAlB [23] films. Doubling the Y content in MA2 results in a noticeable change of the microstructure. The TEM imaging was performed using a high-angle annular dark field (HAADF) detector in order to reveal mass contrast and highlight the phase separation. The film is dense and composed of large irregularly shaped grains of even contrast containing dark rectangular-shaped inclusions, indicating a multiple phase system. These rectangular-shaped grains are observed in the lower-half of the film, primarily close to the interface to the substrate. The measured film thicknesses are ∼ 190 nm for MA1 and ∼ 230 nm for MA2, revealing only a slight ∼20 % thickness increase towards the edge of the ML.

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Fig. 3. Cross-sectional TEM overview images of selected MAs in ML2 with a) MA1 and b) MA2. The images were acquired using BF and HAADF (S)TEM detectors, respectively.

Fig. 4 presents an overview of the elemental distribution of Fe, Y, and Al in the two investigated MAs in ML2. Due to low EDX sensitivity to light elements, B was not included in the composition analysis. At the relatively low magnification the mapping was performed, MA1 exhibits a homogeneous distribution of Y and Al, while Fe shows a tendency for clustering into elongated vertically oriented grains. With more Y in MA2, a clear phase separation is observed. Well-defined rectangular-shaped grains contain no or little Fe and Y and areas with diffuse boundaries enriched in Fe and containing no Y have formed in the matrix. The slight change in contrast on the left side of MA2 is due to a thickness variation in the lamella. For both samples, (S)TEM-EDX quantification revealed surplus of Al compared to stoichiometric Fe2AlB2 phase composition and averaged Fe:Y ratios of 4:1 and 2:1 for MA1 and MA2, respectively. The averaged Fe:Y ratios are identical to the elemental ratios previously determined by SEM-EDX.

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Fig. 4. HAADF (S)TEM image and corresponding EDX element distribution maps for Fe, Y, and Al of samples taken from a) MA1 and b) MA2.

TEM investigation of MA1 microstructure revealed characteristic elongated grains embedded into a matrix. The grains grow at an angle from the substrate normal and atomic planes oriented along this direction can typically be distinguished. Due to in-plane rotation of these inclined elongated grains, their projections in cross-sectional TEM result in various other shapes and crystal orientations as well. Small projection sizes and narrow grain widths do not generate Kikuchi lines necessary for guidance in adjusting and optimizing the specimen tilt for HR(S)TEM imaging. A grain coincidentally oriented along the favored zone axis and displaying its nanolaminated nature with the periodicity characteristic to Fe2AlB2 was selected for further analysis, as shown in Fig. 5a and b. The cross-section projection of the grain measures 25 nm x 30 nm and the region where the atomic layering is clearly distinguished is 15 nm in width. HR(S)TEM image and corresponding Fe and Al lattice resolved EDX maps of the grain are presented in Fig. 5c. A clear separation of Fe and Al into distinct layers is revealed, with the layering sequence Fe-Fe-Al-Fe-Fe-Al and a layering period of 0.62 nm. Quantification over the imaged atomically resolved area yields an Fe:Al ratio of 2:1.

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Fig. 5. A favorably oriented grain in ML2 MA1 selected for HRTEM analysis marked in a) by a white circle and shown at a higher magnification in b) revealing the nanolaminate nature. c) Lattice resolved HR(S)TEM image of the grain along [1 0 0] projection together with the corresponding elemental EDX maps for Fe and Al

In order to investigate the distributions of Fe and Y in MA1 in ML2 on a finer scale, APT characterization was performed. Fig. 6a displays the atom maps of the MA1 thin film, clearly depicting a separation of Fe and Y and the co-existence of two different phases. The Fe-rich regions exhibit an elongated morphology, approximately 88 nm in length and 12 nm in width and are oriented either perpendicular to the substrate or at a slightly inclined angle. In terms of both morphology and elemental distribution maps, the Fe-rich regions observed in APT are consistent with that of the (S)TEM-EDX analysis (Fig. 4a). Therefore, the Fe-rich regions should be elongated grains of the MAB phase embedded within an Y-containing homogeneous matrix. To quantify the elemental distribution within the two different phases, a region of interest (ROI) was selected such that composition profiles are perpendicularly measured across one phase boundary. Fig. 6b quantifies the composition of the matrix as Fe:Y:Al:B ≈ 15:7:24:50 at.%, with an extra Y accumulation in the zone adjacent to the grain boundaries. In contrast, the elongated grains do not contain Y and yield a composition of Fe:Al:B ≈ 40:27:30 at.%. The previously discussed two sets of peaks ∼ 26.2° + ∼54.0° and 31.0° + 64.9° observed in XRD can be ascribed to the matrix and MAB phase, respectively. The fixed positions of the latter set of peaks throughout the investigated Fe-Y-Al-B composition space could be interpreted as lattice parameters remaining constant, an indication of no Y being incorporated into the MAB phase. APT analysis confirms that all provided Y is contained in the surrounding matrix.

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Fig. 6. Results of the APT analysis of MA1. a) Three dimensional (3D) elemental reconstruction maps showing distribution of Fe (pink), Y (green), Al (turkey), and B (blue) in the film on an Al2O3 substrate. b) 1D composition profile for the selected region of interest (ROI) plotted along the direction perpendicular to the interface between the Y-rich and Fe-rich regions, as indicated by the arrow. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

4. Discussion

The measured composition of the elongated grains corresponds to Fe1.5AlB1.1, which deviates from the ideal Fe2AlB2 MAB phase stoichiometry. However, in the previously conducted thin film investigations of structurally related Cr2AlB2[21] as well as MoAlB [22], broad phase stability ranges in terms of composition have been determined. Cr2AlB2 in particular has formed within the composition range of Cr: Al: B = 31–39: 18–29: 34–49 at.%, where Cr1.3AlB1.2 was obtained for synthesis in Al excess. This is very close to here measured stoichiometry of Fe1.5AlB1.1 formed in MA1. Based on (S)TEM-EDX and APT results, MA1 represents Al-rich synthesis conditions as well.

The synthesized films are composed of the ternary Fe2AlB2 embedded in an Fe-Y-Al-B matrix. The matrix phase could not be identified. To date, research on Fe-Al-B, Y-Al-B, and Fe-Y-Al-B systems is scarce, with Fe2AlB2, Fe3Al2B2, and YAlB14 being the only reported phases. Since interest in boride materials has intensified in recent years, a number of new ternary and quaternary boride phases have been discovered. Therefore, it is not unreasonable that a new boride phase may have formed in here synthesized Fe-Y-Al-B materials library. In this manuscript, however, we have chosen to focus specifically on Y incorporation into Fe2AlB2 phase.

In contrast to theoretical predictions [12], we have not observed the formation of the quaternary phase (Fe2/3Y1/3)2AlB2 or incorporation of Y into Fe2AlB2 to a lesser degree. Several factors may be responsible for this disagreement. First of all, the exact starting stoichiometry may play a decisive role. Bulk synthesis study on MAX phase (Mo1-xScx)2AlC with x = 0.33, 0.5, and 0.66 revealed, that the Mo:Sc ratio must be close to the 2:1 for formation of high crystal quality in-plane ordered (Mo2/3Sc1/3)2AlC [24]. Deviation to Mo:Sc = 1:1 resulted in severely defected MAX phase structure and secondary phases. Furthermore, the correct ratio of the two transition metals must be matched to stoichiometric amounts of Al and B. In the quaternary ML with composition gradients for all four elements, these two requirements do not necessary coincide at the same region. As local composition determined by APT reveals, the Fe:Y in MA1 is close to the required 2:1, but Al and B are present in excess. Previous thin film studies of Cr2AlB2 and MoAlB indicate, that MAB phases may be stabilized in relatively wide composition ranges with respect to their ideal stoichiometry. In theoretical phase stability calculations, however, crystal structures with exclusively full site occupancy were considered. Consequently, it is not known how deviations in composition and presence of defects affect the phase stability of quaternary MAB phases in particular. Finally, under off-stoichiometric experimental conditions, the set of competing phases is different from the one considered theoretically and may include other secondary phases with even lower formation energies, further suppressing nucleation of the targeted MAB phase.

Confocal magnetron sputtering of the system Fe-Y-Al-B results in gradients of all elements, which could be represented as a four-dimensional composition space. Consequently, realization of a precisely defined composition located ideally in the center of the ML may be a challenging and iterative process. Furthermore, if the content of some of the involved elements is required to remain constant or within a narrow range, only a limited area on the ML is effectively used due to composition constraints. Therefore, for future high-throughput studies of quaternary M−site alloyed MAB phases, we suggest a modified experimental design in terms of creating only M−element gradient, while contents of A-element and B are calibrated against a stoichiometric MAB phase and kept constant at all MAs. This could be achieved, e.g., through realization of a multilayer film composed of wedged-thickness layers for the two M−elements alternately stacked with uniform layers of A-element and B.

It is important to mention, that within the investigated HR(S)TEM-EDX region in addition to Fe and Al, a weak homogeneously distributed Y signal was detected (not shown). However, subsequent APT composition analysis revealed that no Y was incorporated into the Fe2AlB2 phase. Consequently, the Y signal detected in the atomically resolved HR(S)TEM frame could be concluded as contamination of Y transferred from the matrix during ion-milling in FIB sample preparation or due to overlap with a matrix grain in the viewing direction. Here we would like to stress the importance of using complementary characterization techniques, especially when subtle and fine effects are investigated, such as alloying within a few at.% range.

5. Conclusions

We report on the exploration of the system Fe-Y-Al-B in form of thin film materials libraries with the focus on theoretically predicted formation of quaternary (Fe2/3Y1/3)2AlB2. Although the MAB phase has formed in the central region of the materials library, HR(S)TEM-EDX and APT analysis revealed that it is the ternary phase Fe2AlB2. The film is composed of large elongated Fe2AlB2 grains embedded in a matrix, where all supplied Y is contained.

CRediT authorship contribution statement

Aurelija Mockute: Writing – original draft, Visualization, Investigation, Funding acquisition, Formal analysis, Conceptualization. Aleksander Kostka: Investigation. Lamya Abdellaoui: Investigation, Formal analysis. Yujiao Li: Writing – review & editing, Investigation, Formal analysis. Alireza B. Parsa: Writing – review & editing, Investigation. Florian Lourens: Writing – review & editing, Investigation, Formal analysis. Christina Scheu: Writing – review & editing, Resources. Alfred Ludwig: Writing – review & editing.

Declaration of competing interest

The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.


This work was supported by the German Research Foundation (DFG) [grant number 495844014]. The Center for Interface-Dominated High-Performance Materials (ZGH) at Ruhr University Bochum is acknowledged for the use of XRD, FIB, TEM, and APT.

Data availability

Data will be made available on request.

February 17, 2025 at 03:24PM

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