Greener horizons: Revolutionizing construction materials with waste-based innovations – An experimental study

Greener horizons: Revolutionizing construction materials with waste-based innovations – An experimental study

1. Introduction

1.1. Global climate challenge

Climate change, primarily caused by a significant rise in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, has resulted in an increasing frequency and severity of extreme weather events including heatwaves, storms, heavy rainfall, and droughts, ecosystem disruption, ocean acidification, melting glaciers and rising sea levels etc. This phenomenon is driven mainly by the combustion of fossil fuels, deforestation, and industrial processes. Reducing emissions by 45 % by 2030 and reaching net zero by 2050 is necessary to ensure that global warming stays below 1.5 °C, as stipulated in the Paris Agreement. To achieve this goal, innumerable strategies have been adapted including transition to renewable energy, reforestation and conservation, sustainable agriculture, energy efficient technologies, policy and regulations, and carbon sequestration etc. It is vital and urgent to reduce GHGs emissions in order to combat global warming.

1.2. Cement Industry’s role

The demand for concrete has surged as it is the second most consumed substance worldwide, after water. The production of cement; the main binding agent of concrete has resulted in significant fluctuations in weather during the last decade due to excessive CO2 emissions. Based on available data, the global cement production has reached 4.1 billion tonnes in 2022, indicating a notable increase over the previous thirty years. In 1995, the production amount stood at approximately 1.39 billion tons, making it evident that within these three decades, it has escalated almost by three times [1]. Regrettably, this flying growth of cement production has led to adverse impacts on the environment with the emissions of CO2.

The International Energy Agency reported that in 2022, the construction industry accounted for 13 % of worldwide CO2 emissions, with cement production attributing for approximately 7–8% of those emissions [2,3]. Moreover, energy-related fossil fuel production has also expanded proportionately to satisfy the rising demand for cement manufacturing [4]. The total global CO2 emissions from the energy sector was recorded as 33 Gt in 2021 [5].

1.3. Innovative solutions

Alkaline-activated cement (AAC) is a recently developed sustainable and innovative solution to the expanding need for conventional Portland cement. Even though AAC has attracted a lot of attention since it uses less energy and emits less CO2 during the process compared to Portland cement, the usage of commercial activators, such as sodium hydroxide (NaOH) and sodium silicate or water glass (Na2SiO3), has been a very concerning issue [6]. A life cycle evaluation of NaOH was carried out, and the results showed that the manufacturing of 1 kg of NaOH requires 3.5 MJ of fossil fuel energy, which is equivalent to 0.6329 kg of CO2 emissions [7]. Consequently, the use of commercial activators makes the production of geopolymer cement and alkali activated cement (AAC) less sustainable.

To find sustainable solutions, researchers have been actively developing different eco-friendly processes and products. One crucial area of focus is green cement production, which involves developing cement from green precursors, activators, and various additives. This approach utilises waste materials, industrial by-products, and natural resources as raw materials, offering a promising solution to the pressing issue of waste landfilling. A Global Snapshot of Solid Waste Management to 2050 which was designed by the World Bank highlights that global waste is expected to grow up to 3.40 billion tons by 2050, more than double population growth over the same period [8]. Although the three R’s rule, which stands for Reduce, Reuse and Recycle, is the globally recognised approach to waste management, Australia predominantly relies on recycling and landfilling as its primary waste disposal methods. In 2020/2021, Australia’s annual per capita waste generation was 2.95 tonnes, resulting in 75.8 million tonnes of total waste generation. The national waste report of Australia indicated that between 2016 and 2019, an annual average of around 20.5 million tonnes of waste was landfilled each year [9,10]. However, due to the economic importance of land, health issues on living organisms, air pollution, leaching heavy metals into the groundwater aquifers and destruction of surface soil, landfilling would not be an enduring solution. Public awareness and knowledge regarding waste sorting remain crucial for sustainable waste management, as inadequate waste sorting may lead to large volumes of waste occupying valuable landfill space, including categories requiring special waste treatment.

Industrial waste is a prominent category in Australia because of the expansive growth of different industries on a large scale. One of Australia’s major waste problems is coal ash, accounting for approximately one-fifth of the country’s total waste stream. Among the coal ashes, fly ash is a leading precursor of green cement, which generates as a by-product of coal combustion in power stations. Blast furnace slag is another industrial waste in Australia generated from smelting iron ore, coke, and fluxes while extracting iron from the iron ore. Both fly ash and blast furnace slag are valuable aluminosilicate precursors for green cement production, with fly ash contributing high levels of Silicon dioxide (SiO2) [11,12], while blast furnace slag consists of a more excellent composition of Calcium Oxide (CaO). By developing green cement from industrial waste, this research seeks to address critical waste management challenges while offering eco-friendly and resource-efficient solutions for both general and high-strength construction applications. By developing green cement from industrial waste, this research seeks to address critical waste management challenges while offering eco-friendly and resource-efficient solutions for both general and high-strength construction applications. These types secondary or supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs) can be classified under two main categories including Portland cement-based composites (General blended cement) and aluminosilicate materials. Aluminosilicate materials were recently innovated, enhancing the geopolymer chemistry and they are in four different types based on the amount of calcium in the precursor environment and alkalinity: alkaline activated cement binders (high Ca, moderate to high alkalinity), geopolymers (low Ca, low alkalinity), inorganic alkaline polymers (low Ca, highly alkaline media) and blended cement (both FA and Slag, with commercial activators) [13].

In the previous history, the most cement materials incorporating only a limited amount of waste. Recent developments, however, have resulted in the creation of a supplementary cementitious material (SCM) made entirely from waste byproducts. While many geopolymers and alkaline-activated cements (AAC) have been studied in the past, these typically require commercial activators to initiate the binding process. In contrast, the novel binder explored in this research is activated solely by alkaline compounds sourced from waste materials, offering a distinctive and environmentally sustainable method for cement production. Waste-based green cement (WGC) is our innovative sustainable solution for contributing to the net zero carbon emissions by 2050. Here, in this research study, WGC has been developed completely from waste and then evaluated the mechanical properties of the binder adding ordinary Portland cement. Therefore, the main purpose of this study is to investigate the possible cut-off percentage of ordinary Portland cement with waste-based green cement for the normal construction applications, while discussing the effects of mineralogical and microstructural variations on the optimum mechanical properties. This would be a great pathway for the reduction of the usage of normal OPC in construction industry, ensuring the minimum CO2 emissions, lower energy consumption and cost effectiveness.

1.4. Study objectives

The objectives of this research study are listed below.

  • Development of a Sustainable Green Cement Mix: To formulate a green cement blend entirely composed of industrial by-products, mining waste, and agro-industrial waste, thereby promoting the use of waste materials and reducing environmental impact.

  • Optimization of Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) Replacement: To determine the optimal replacement percentage of Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) with the waste-based green cement (WGC), ensuring a balance between performance and sustainability.

  • Optimization of Binder Composition: To optimize the initial molar ratios of SiO2/Al2O3, Na2O/Al2O3, H2O/Na2O, and the liquid/solid ratio for the waste-based green cement binder, to enhance its chemical reactivity and performance.

  • Evaluation of Mechanical Properties: To assess the impact of mineralogical and microstructural variations on the compressive strength of WGC-OPC composites, considering different curing durations to understand their long-term durability.

  • Reusability Investigation: To explore the potential for reusing the waste-based green cement after demolition, evaluating its performance and sustainability in a circular economy framework.

  • Estimation of CO2 Emission Reduction: To estimate the reduction in CO2 emissions associated with the production of waste-based green cement compared to traditional Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC), contributing to the understanding of its environmental benefits.

2. Materials and methods

2.1. Raw materials selection

The main aluminosilicate precursors used to develop waste-based green cement (WGC) composites were Class F- fly ash (FA) and ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBFS) supplied by Independent Cement and Lime, Australia. FA is a siliceous by-product from coal combustion. At the same time, GGBFS has calcareous properties generated from iron refining. Commercial alkaline activators, sodium silicate (Na2SiO3) and sodium hydroxide (NaOH) were replaced by alternative waste materials, rice husk ash (RHA) and mine tailings (MT), respectively. To evaluate the performance of adding ordinary Portland cement (OPC) into WGC, 42.5-grade general-purpose cement was employed. Coal combustion residuals (CCRs) are the ashes from coal-fired power plants that have increased dramatically in response to the increased demand for electricity. Fly ash, bottom ash, boiler slag, flue gas desulphurization material, fluidised bed combustion ash, cenospheres, and scrubber residues are just a few examples of the several coal-burning by-products that are included in CCRs [14]. Fly ash (FA) is a commonly used industrial by-product that is divided into two classes; Class F and Class C, according to its chemical compositions. Class F is for fly ash with a high silicate and low calcium content, and Class C is for fly ash with a low silicate and high calcium content [15]. Because of its pozzolanic reactivity, FA can be used in the concrete industry to replace cement partially, depending on the polymerisation mechanism. Therefore, in this research study Class -F FA was utilized as a siliceous precursor to develop the main mix.

The names given to slags vary according on the furnaces in which they are produced. Steel-furnace slag and blast-furnace slag are the two primary forms of furnace slags that are produced as by-products of the iron and steel manufacturing sectors, respectively. The remnant left over from removing the molten iron during the iron-making process is referred to as blast furnace slag, and it can be gathered in the following forms: air-cooled blast furnace slag, expanded blast furnace slag, pelletised blast furnace slag, or granulated blast furnace slag [14]. In this experimental research, ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBFS) was used as a calcareous precursor to achieve the main mix. GGBFS is a low-hydraulic cement that can be activated by alkaline chemicals like sodium hydroxide; it is not a pozzolan. Thermal curing produced the best strength results for activated alkali cement (AAC) based on blast furnace slag (the specimens were kept at the same temperature for 7 and 28 days until testing) with 10 % Na2O [16].

Given the explosive growth of biomass energy production, agro-industrial waste is a major waste category globally. Regrettably, due of landfilling, this category of waste has grown to be a serious environmental problem. A common type of agricultural waste is rice husk ash (RHA), which has a higher silica content compared to other ashes like palm oil fuel ash, sugar cane bagasse ash, etc [14]. The presence of unburnt carbon in the RHA was discovered to have the potential to decrease the workability and durability of blended concrete, despite its high potential as a cementitious ingredient [17]. In geopolymer chemistry, raw RHA was used after treatment (treated with HCL to remove the metallic ingredients and calcined at 600 °C to produce white colour RHA) to develop synthesis metakaolin-based geopolymers [18]. In this project, RHA (not treated) was engaged as an alkaline activator because it has a great potential to replace commercial sodium silicate (water glass). Compared to the commercial manufacturing of sodium silicate, usage of RHA is more environmentally friendly and it has a major impact on reducing GHGs emissions.

After the target minerals have been extracted from the mined ore, the leftover residue is known as mine tailings, and it is kept in tailing dams, which are built specifically to hold a huge volume of tailings for an extended period. However, there is a significant chance that these tailing dams will fail because of seepage, earthquakes, overtopping, and unstable slopes. The mine tailings have a high possibility of being used to create sustainable cementitious composites, either as treated powder (reduced to a finer consistency after drying in an oven) or as fresh slurry. Here, mine tailing was used to substitute commercial NaOH. The chemical constituents in the raw materials were determined by X-ray fluorescence analysis (XRF), shown in Table 1. Before analysing the properties of the proposed mixture, particle density and mean diameter of each raw material are key factors to be considered. Therefore, specific gravity and particle size distribution of FA, GGBFS, RHA, MT and OPC were determined using pycnometers and Malvern Mastersizer 2000, a laser light scattering technique, respectively. The results are shown in Table 2. The average particle size of type I/II Portland cement (General-purpose cement and moderate sulphate-resistant cement) was 10.4 μm [19].

Table 1. Chemical composition of FA, GGBFS, RHA, MT and OPC (wt%).

wt% SiO2 Al2O3 CaO Fe2O3 K2O MgO SO3 P2O5 TiO2 MnO Na2O LOI
FA 62.7 27.1 2.1 2.6 1.3 0.4 <0.1 0.3 1.0 2.4
GGBFS 35.8 12.0 39.7 0.2 0.3 6.4 4.8 0.5 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1
RHA 92.8 0.3 0.8 3.3 0.6 0.2 1.2 0.1 0.7
MT 10–20 10–30 <2 5–20 <1 <1 <1 0–10 <0.1 10–30 <1
OPC 22.0 5.0 62.0 4.65 0.4 2.0 1.5 1.8 0.2 0.45

Table 2. Specific gravity and average particle size of FA, GGBFS, RHA, MT and OPC.

Raw materials Specific gravity Gs Average particle size d50 (μm)
FA 2.18 19.56
GGBFS 2.85 19.17
RHA 2.01 109.97
MT 3.36 29.89
OPC 3.28 10.4 [19]

The primary rationale for selecting rice husk ash and mine tailings, among other alternative waste materials, lies in their substantial content of network-forming anions and network-modifying cations. Current alkaline-activated cements and geopolymers typically utilize commercial activators, such as sodium hydroxide (NaOH) and sodium silicate (Na2SiO3). However, preliminary research has indicated that supplementary materials derived from widely disposed waste categories, including agro-industrial and mining wastes, can serve as viable alternatives. A detailed analysis of the chemical constituents in these two waste types reveals that mine tailings are an excellent source of sodium ions (Na+), while rice husk ash is rich in silicate ions (SiO32−). During the alkaline activation and hydration process, these components participate in the formation of networks such as calcium silicate hydrate (C-S-H), calcium aluminosilicate hydrate (C-A-S-H), and sodium aluminosilicate hydrate (N-A-S-H), thereby contributing to the overall strength and durability of the resulting material. This makes rice husk ash and mine tailings promising materials for sustainable and efficient construction applications.

Fig. 1 depicts the particle size distribution (PSD) curves of each material engaged in the research study. The initial fresh MT sample was in slurry condition with 29 % solids and 71 % liquid, and the mean diameter of the particle was 2.99 μm. Hence, all other raw materials were dry; MT slurry was oven-dried at 105 °C for 24 h and crushed using mortar/pestle (MT dried 1) and soil grinder (MT dried 2) separately.

Fig. 1

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Fig. 1. Particle size distribution of FA, GGBFS, RHA and MT.

After grinding from mortar/pestle and sieving through 75 μm, the mean particle diameter of dried MT was observed as 9.31 μm while ground MT from soil grinder two times was recorded as 29.89 μm. To evaluate the effect of the size of MT on the strength properties, MT dried 1 and 2 were used separately, and the results were analysed.

Fig. 2 shows the XRD patterns of the raw materials, FA, GGBFS, RHA and MT. The primary mineralogy in FA are quartz (SiO2), mullite (3Al2O3·2SiO2) and hematite (Fe2O3), while GGBFS consists mainly of gypsum (CaSO4.2H2O). RHA is an agricultural waste that can be used as an alternative to water glass (Na2SiO3) because of the higher silica concentration (SiO2). Silica present in RHA has different crystalline mineral phases, such as quartz, cristobalite and tridymite. Cristobalite and tridymite are both crystalline silica, and tridymite has a distinct hexagonal crystalline nature. In mining, tailings are the materials left over after extracting the valuable portion of minerals and metals. MT used in this research study mainly consisted of minerals such as hematite (Fe2O3), anatase (TiO2), almandine (Al2Fe3(SiO4)3), bredigite (Ca7MgSi4O16) and sodium titanium oxide (Na4Ti5O12). Due to the significant concentration of alkaline compounds, especially Na2O, MT can replace commercial NaOH. Alite (3CaO.SiO2), Belite (CaO.SiO2), Aluminate (3CaO.Al2O3), Ferrite (4CaO.Al2O3.Fe2O3) and lime (CaCO3) are the major minerals present in the OPC [20].

Fig. 2

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Fig. 2. XRD patterns of raw materials.

According to Fig. 3, FA has spherical morphology compared with the other raw materials. The combustion temperature and cooling rate influence the morphology of FA, and typical fly ash is spherical. With the temperature and cooling rate changes, morphological variation can be seen clearly in FA, including hollow cenospheres, unburned particles, mineral aggregates (quartz), agglomerated particles and irregularly shaped amorphous particles [21]. Most GGBFS grains highlight an angular nature, while OPC and MT have irregular-shaped particles. However, RHA shows a distinct morphology consisting of silicon wafers. The morphology of raw materials is essential when analysing the workability of the mix and the formation of hydrates.

2.2. Mix design parameters

The design was based on the chemical constituents SiO2, Na2O, and Al2O3 present in the waste materials. Trial mixes were conducted by varying the proportions of Fly Ash, Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag, Rice Husk Ash, and Mine Tailings. Drawing on previous research on geopolymers, it was established that optimal results are typically achieved when the molar ratios fall within certain ranges: Na2O/Al2O3 between 1.0 and 1.25, H2O/Na2O between 10 and 20, and SiO2/Al2O3 between 3.0 and 5.0. Based on the chemical composition percentages obtained through X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analysis and in accordance with these reference molar ratios, a series of trials were conducted at varying liquid-to-solid ratios. The mix design parameters were then optimized to achieve the best performance for the green cement formulation.

A geopolymer consists of metakaolin and rice husk ash showed the maximum strength when the starting molar ratios of SiO2/Al2O3, Na2O/Al2O3, and H2O/Na2O were 4.0, 1.0, and 10.0, respectively [22]. The molar ratio of SiO2/Al2O3 is a prominent factor for enhancing the strength properties of the binder and it was in its optimum when the range of 3.3–4.5 for a geopolymer with high calcium fly ash, Al (OH)3 and commercial activators [23]. Since in this research study, class F fly ash (Low calcium) was employed the molar ratios of SiO2/Al2O3, Na2O/Al2O3, and H2O/Na2O were varied 3–5, 1–1.25 and 9–20 and conducted some trial experiments. Finally, for the waste-based green cement mix the optimized molar ratios of SiO2/Al2O3, Na2O/Al2O3, and H2O/Na2O were obtained as 3, 1 and 9. Apart from these initial molar ratios, mass ratio of Na2O/Al2O3 would be a key factor for optimizing the mechanical properties of the developed binder. Hence, in this research, it was maintained as 0.6 for each case. According to this initial molar ratios and mass ratios, required weight percentages of each raw material was calculated, considering the volume of the mould and target density. Other mix design parameters including the liquid/solid ratio, fly ash/blast furnace slag ratio and different ordinary Portland cement compositions are stated in Table 3. For the trials, liquid/solid ratio was varied as 0.42, 0.45 and 0.48 and 0.48 was selected as optimum considering the workability of the mix.

Table 3. Mix design parameters.

Mix design 25 % WGC 50 % WGC 75 % WGC WGC OPC
OPC weight (%) 75 50 25 0 100
WGC weight (%) 25 50 75 100 0
FA/GGBFS 40/60 40/60 40/60 40/60

2.3. Preparation and curing

A HOBART 5L and 20L mixers were used for mechanical mixing of the cement binder which consists of fly ash, ground granulated blast furnace slag, rice husk ash, mine tailing and different proportions of ordinary Portland cement. A standard practice for mechanical mixing of hydraulic cement pastes and mortars was followed to ensure a homogeneous mix. After placing the dry paddle and the dry bowl in the mixing position in the mixer, materials were introduced for a batch into the bowl. A dry mixture of fly ash, ground granulated blast furnace slag, rice husk ash, mine tailing and ordinary Portland cement was prepared after 5 min of dry mixing (including 2 min of hand mixing and 3 min of mechanical mixing at slow speed), followed by 5 min of wet mixing (including 5 min of mechanical mixing at medium speed) after water had been poured to the mixture. Slow and medium speed of the mechanical mixing describes 140 ± 5 rpm and 285 ± 10 rpm respectively [24].

After obtaining a homogeneous mix, the samples were compacted in cylindrical PVC moulds which were prepared according to the aspect ratio of 2.0 (38 mm diameter and 76 mm height). To ensure a proper compaction, a vibration table was employed. The samples were compacted by three layers and each layer was manually compacted with 25 number of blows using a tamping rod and kept on the vibration table for 30 s [[25], [26], [27], [28]]. Then the top surface of the samples was covered with polythene to mitigate the dehydration and kept for 24 h at room temperature before demolding. After demolding, the samples were clean wrapped and kept under ambient environment (maintained temperature 21 ± 2 °C and maintained relative humidity 50 ± 10 %) for 7 days, 28 days and 56 days of curing periods. Ambient curing was selected to investigate the optimum strength properties in the critical environment.

2.4. Analytical techniques

2.4.1. Compressive strength testing protocols

To investigate the mechanical performance of the casted waste-based cement binders, uniaxial compressive strength (UCS) test was performed using INSTRON 50 kN and 100 kN loading frames. Before conducting the strength test, the top and bottom surfaces of the specimens were levelled and ground smoothly using the rock grinder to ensure a symmetric loading throughout the test. The loading rate for the compression test was selected as 0.2 mm/min based on the literature conducted on alkaline activated cement binders [29]. The force-displacement relationship was observed during the test and then it was converted to stress-strain relationship to observe the maximum compressive strength of the samples considering different curing periods and different levels of addition of ordinary Portland cement. For each case, three number of samples were tested and calculated the mean results to ensure the minimum standard deviation of the batch. During the tests, various types of failures were identified according to the different levels of OPC, including cone, cone and split, cone and shear, slant shear and columnar failures. However, with the higher amount of OPC, failures likely to occur was fatigue.

2.4.2. Workability characteristics

The standard test method ASTM – C 1437 for the flow of hydraulic cement mortar/grout was followed using the flow table apparatus to obtain the optimum liquid/solid (l/s) ratio for the WGC mix [30]. Three distinct l/s ratios between 0.4 and 0.5 were selected to evaluate the workability of the fresh cement mixture. The apparatus has a flow table (255 ± 2.5 mm diameter), mould (70 mm top diameter, 100 mm bottom diameter and 50 mm height), a tamper (13 mm × 25 mm x 150 mm) and a calliper. After placing the flow mould at the centre of the flow table, a layer of cement pastes (immediately after mixing) with 25 mm (1 inch) thickness was placed and compacted using the tamping rod 20 times to ensure uniform filling. The second layer of pastes was placed over the first layer until slightly overflowed, tamped, and cut off to a plane surface. One minute later, the mould was lifted away from the mortar, and immediately, the flow table was dropped 25 times within 15 s. Initially, the standard dropping height of the flow table was calibrated as 12.7 mm. Four diameter measurements were taken using a calliper along the scribed lines on the top surface of the table, and the mean diameter was calculated to the nearest millimetre.

2.4.3. Mineralogical analysis using X-ray diffraction (XRD)

With the aid of X-ray diffraction (XRD), the mineralogical variation of the raw materials and hardened pastes was examined. The Bruker D8 Cobalt diffractometer was used, equipped with a 0.020 step interval, 1.5 s time interval, a 0.6 mm slit, a 35 kV and 28 mA tube configuration, and Co Kα1 (1.7889 A0) radiation. The 2ϴ range was selected as 5°-900, considering the possible significant crystalline peaks of raw materials and hardened pastes. The raw materials (FA, GGBFS, RHA, and MT) were analysed directly because they were fine dry powders, as illustrated in Fig. 3. After obtaining a thin piece from the failure zone of the hardened specimen, which had undergone the strength test, chemical treatment was carried out to avoid further hydration. Firstly, the extracted thin slice was soaked in acetone solution for 24 h to prevent additional hydration and then washed from ethanol to remove impurities on the surface. Then, it was oven-dried at 60 °C for 1–2 h and crushed using the mortar/pestle [31]. Finally, the crushed samples were sieved from a 20 μm sieve and the finest sample to the test. XRD patterns were analysed using a semi-quantified method; DIFFRAC.EVA v6.1.0.4 software with the 2023 database in the International Centre for Diffraction Data (ICDD-PDF4+).

2.4.4. Microstructural examination via scanning electron microscopy (SEM)

Microstructural variations of raw materials (in powder form) and hardened pastes (in bulk form) were analysed using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The FEI Quanta 3D FIB-SEM and JEOL 7001F FEG-SEM were employed under low and high vacuum modes, respectively. Secondary electron images (SEI) and backscattered electron images (COMPO) were used to analyse raw materials’ morphology and hardened pastes’ morphology. At the same time, energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) analysis was conducted to determine the compositions of elements under two different methods: point and area analysis and area mapping. Fig. 4 illustrates the JEOL-7001F FEG and FEI Quanta 3D FEG scanning electron microscopes available at the Monash Centre of Electron Microscope (MCEM). Same as the sample preparation in the XRD analysis, a small piece of hardened paste was collected from the failure surface after the strength test and treated to limit hydration further. Then, the carbon-coated specimens were examined from the JEOL SEM, selecting the microscopy parameters as 15.0 kV voltage and 10.0 mm working distance to optimize the resulting images. The specimens tested after 56 days of curing time and unique samples cast from reused WGC were analysed without doing any chemical treatment with the support of the analytical mode with 20.0 kV voltage, 8.0 nA current, and an 8.0 mm working distance to observe the high-resolution images under low vacuum mode in the Quanta SEM. Finally, the high-resolution images captured after the EDS analysis from the Quanta SEM and JEOL SEM were analysed separately using Team and Aztec software.

Fig. 4

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Fig. 4. (a) JEOL-7001F FEG and (b) FEI Quanta 3D FEG scanning electron microscopes.

3. Results and discussion

3.1. Mechanical performance

Mechanical properties of the casted specimens were evaluated using the compressive strength values at different curing periods and various levels of ordinary Portland cement compositions to understand the cut-off percentage of the usage of ordinary Portland cement in general construction applications. In order to examine the effect of the most critical condition, samples were cured under the ambient environment; 22 °C and 65 % of relative humidity at 7 days, 28 days and 56 days. Four distinct compositions of the replacement of waste-based green cement in ordinary Portland cement binder were selected as 25 %, 50 %, 75 % and 100 %. In this research study 42.5 grade of ordinary Portland cement was utilized as a reference material to compare the obtained results. The WGC samples which were casted using two different sizes of MT powder (9.31 μm from mortal/pestle and 29.89 μm from soil grinder) did not exhibit in significant variations of strength results. Hence, MT powder ground by soil grinder for two times, was taken for the further experiments.

After casting, cement composites enhance the strength due to the hydration over time. The time it takes for concrete to obtain 100 % strength is yet unknown. After the first 28 days of casting, the pace at which compressive strength of concrete increases is higher and gradually slows. It has been recorded that the strength gains of concrete after 1 day, 3 days, 7 days, 14 days and 28 days are 16 %, 40 %, 65 %, 90 % and 99 % respectively [32]. Therefore, 28 days strength is considered as the compressive strength of concrete or cement composite in concrete technology. Hence, the experimental findings from the uniaxial compressive strength test are compared especially concerning the 28-day strength results. Waste-based green cement which was cast without adding ordinary Portland cement depicts the 22 MPa of considerable strength after 56 days because of the alkaline activation and hydration of the mixed components. When the presence of silica or lime-rich raw materials such as fly ash and granulated blast furnace slag in the alkaline environment, the following activations which are shown in equations Eq (2), Eq (3), Eq (4)) take place in the system [33].

Eq (2)=Si-O– + R+ = Si-O-REq (3)=Si-O-R + OH = = = Si-O-R-OHEq (4)=Si-O-R-OH + Ca2+ = = = Si-O-Ca-OH + R+

Sodium hydroxide (NaOH) and sodium silicate (Na2SiO3) are heavily used commercial activators in the alkaline activated cement industries which releases alkaline cations to the system. Through cationic exchange with the Ca2+ ions, the alkaline cation (R+) just catalyses the early stages of hydration [33].

Therefore, in this research study, commercial alkaline activators NaOH and Na2SiO3 were replaced by using mine tailing waste and rice husk ash respectively to produce waste-based green cement. When the addition of ordinary Portland cement in different percentages, strength properties of the specimens were changed drastically, highlighting the optimum cut-off at 50 % of replacement. Microstructural and mineralogical variations after various curing times would affect the extreme changes of mechanical properties of the cement composites and here in this paper those effects have been addressed.

Fig. 5 and Table 4 depicts the compressive strength of WGC-OPC composites over different curing periods with 5 % error bars.

Fig. 5

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Fig. 5. Compressive strength of WGC-OPC composites over different curing periods.

Table 4. Mix compositions and major results.

Mix design Average Compressive Strength (MPa) Minimum/Maximum (MPa) Average Compressive Strength (MPa) Minimum/Maximum (MPa) Average Compressive Strength (MPa) Minimum/Maximum (MPa)
25 % WGC 31 29.5 39 41.4 40 41.0
32.7 37.2 38.0
50 % WGC 34 35.0 42 44.3 52 52.0
32.0 38.6 51.8
75 % WGC 17 17.3 30 30.0 33 32.8
16.5 29.1 33.0
WGC 11 11.4 16 13.0 22 21.7
11.4 18.0 21.5

In the early stage of curing, the compressive strength of 75 % replacement of waste-based green cement and original green cement sample is extremely similar. The same behaviour can be observed between the 25 % and 50 % replacement of waste-based green cement samples, and it is around 32 MPa. However, on 28 days results of the above mentioned two sets has been rocketed up especially in the 50 % WGC and 75 % WGC. Although the compressive strength gain of concrete after 28 days is considered as 99 %, it can be clearly noticed that the further strength increment of 50 % WGC and WGC composites.

3.2. Mineralogical insights

The main chemical constituents of ordinary Portland cement are lime (CaO), silica (SiO2), alumina (Al2O3) and iron oxide (Fe2O3) and they undergo chemical reactions during burning and fusion, creating Bouge compounds. Table 5provides the main compounds in Portland cement and the abbreviations used in the cement technology [34]. After hydration, cement produces three main types of products such as calcium silicate hydrates gels (3CaO.2SiO2.3H2O; CSH), portlandite or calcium hydroxide (Ca (OH)2) and AFt/AFm phases. The most common Aft and AFm phases are ettringite (Ca6Al2(SO4)3(OH)12·26H2O) and monosulfate (C3A.CaSO4. 12H2O) respectively.

Table 5. Main compounds in Portland cement [34].

Name of compound Oxide composition Abbreviation
Tricalcium silicate 3CaO.SiO2 C3S
Dicalcium silicate 2CaO.SiO2 C2S
Tricalcium aluminate 3CaO.Al2O3 C3A
Tetra calcium aluminoferrite 4CaO.Al2O3.Fe2O3 C4AF

In the alkaline activated cement chemistry, the burning and fusion of clinker has not been involved, focusing on the sustainable aspects. Therefore, the reactions take place due to the alkaline activation and hydration. Based on the availability of calcium rich components, alkaline activated cement minerals can be classified into two groups; (Na, K)2O-CaO-Al2O3-SiO2-H2O and (Na, K)2O-Al2O3-SiO2-H2O. The products precipitating in different types of binders are shown in Table 6 [33]. Here the C, S, A, N, H and c denotes CaO, SiO2, Al2O3, Na2O, H2O and CO2 respectively.

Table 6. Products precipitating in different types of binders [33].

Binder type OPC Alkaline cement
(Na, K)2O-CaO-Al2O3-SiO2-H2O (Na, K)2O-Al2O3-SiO2-H2O
Primary C-S-H C-A-S-H N-A-S-H
Secondary Ca (OH)2
C4AcH11 C8Ac2H24
Zeolite P, Na-chabazite,
Zeolite Y, Faujasite

Initially, the mineralogy of raw materials which is illustrated in Fig. 2 shows the obvious variations. The siliceous precursor class F- fly ash mainly consists of 55 % of quartz (SiO2), 41 % of mullite (3Al2O3.2SiO2) and 4 % of hematite (Fe2O3). Then the calcareous precursor, granulated blast furnace slag obtained as a by-product from the iron manufacturing has mainly gypsum (CaSO4.2H2O). Agricultural waste: rice husk ash is the great replacement for the commercial alkaline activator; sodium silicate which basically consists of silica. When analysing the minerology of rice hush ask using a semi-quantified method; DIFFRAC.EVA v6.1.0.4 software with the 2023 recent database in the International Centre for Diffraction Data (ICDD-PDF4+) silica presented in the waste material in three different phases, including quartz, cristobalite and tridymite. At extremely high temperatures, the mineral polymorph of silica known as cristobalite is created. Although it has a different crystal structure, it has the same chemical formula as quartz, SiO2. Furthermore, after partially devitrifying to cristobalite, porous fused silica ceramics are weaker at 25 °C following the transformation to alpha-cristobalite, but stronger at 350 °C in the beta-cristobalite stability zone [35]. Tridymite is a high-temperature polymorph of silica that typically appears in the form of tiny tabular, colourless, or white pseudo-hexagonal crystals in the voids of felsic volcanic rocks. Therefore, in the rice husk ash all silica minerals are not in the amorphous phase which would be reactive. Approximately 20 % of rice husk is made up of hydrated amorphous silica [36]. Mine tailings waste is another prominent waste category in the world which is the left-over part from the process of separating an ore’s profitable fraction. This contributes to providing alkaline cations to the system, acting as an alternative for commercial sodium hydroxide. Therefore, in the XRD pattern of the mineralogical analysis of mine tailing represents 38 % of sodium titanium oxide (Na4Ti5O12). Apart from that it consists of 8 % anatase (TiO2), 23 % hematite (Fe2O3), 24 % bredigite (Ca14Mg2(SiO4)8) and 7 % almandine (Fe3Al2(SiO4)3).

After 7 days of ambient curing, mineralogical variations of the hydrated WGC-OPC composites can be analysed as two pairs, including 25 % WGC and 50 % WGC as one pair and 75 % WGC and WGC as another pair based on the comparable compressive strength results. The most common hydrated products which creates after the considered timing and type of curing are Portlandite (Ca (OH)2), ettringite (Ca6Al2(SO4)3(OH)12·26H2O), calcite (CaCO3), Mullite (3Al2O3.2SiO2), hematite (Fe2O3), quartz (SiO2) and various types of gel hydrates. In pure waste-based green cement, sodium is the prominent alkaline cation which creates the gel hydrate called sodium aluminium sulphide silicate hydrate while other samples with different ordinary Portland cement levels produce calcium prominent hydrates known as calcium aluminium carbonate hydroxide hydrate. Further, with the addition of Portland cement, generation of Portlandite composition is also increased, highlighting approximately 4 % in WGC, 8 % in 75 % WGC, 16 % in 50 % WGC and 44 % in 25 % WGC. These percentages are not the exact amount of the minerals formed after curing because this is a semi-quantified analysis. However, it can be concluded an overall idea that with the addition of ordinary Portland cement with 25 % increment, development of the Portlandite or calcium hydroxide would be doubled. Same as in the 7-day curing, formation of Portlandite and hydrates can be identified after 28 days of curing. However, comparing with the 7-day results, there was no any significant variation of the compressive strength of waste-based green cement. It has been proven by the XRD analysis, demonstrating the consequence mineral percentages for Portlandite and hydrates. Fig. 6, Fig. 7, Fig. 8 depicts the XRD patterns of WGC-OPC composites after 7 days, 28 days and 56 days of curing.

Fig. 6

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Fig. 6. XRD analysis of (a) WGC, and (b) 75 % WGC after 7 days. (c) 50 % WGC, and (d) 25 % WGC after 7 days.

Fig. 7

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Fig. 7. XRD analysis of (a) WGC, and (b) 75 % WGC after 28 days. (c) 50 % WGC, and (d) 25 % WGC after 28 days.

Fig. 8

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Fig. 8. XRD analysis of (a) WGC, and (b) 75 % WGC after 56 days. (c) 50 % WGC, and (d) 25 % WGC after 56 days.

3.3. Microstructural developments

Microstructural variations of WGC-OPC composites were evaluated using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and with the support of energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy (EDS). Fig. 9 depicts the morphology images of WGC-OPC hydrates which were obtained using backscattered electrons under the high vacuum mode. A clear comparison can be carried out for these 28 days cured specimens, because the hydrated products vary with the addition of ordinary Portland cement.In pure waste-based green cement specimen, ettringites, Calcium silicate hydrates (C-S-H) gel, calcite, and Calcium hydroxide (C-H) can be visualized. Furthermore, unreacted fly ash particles were there in spherical nature after 28 days of ambient curing. Ettringite is a needle type of crystals which effects on the expansive nature of cement and the strength characteristics. However, with the addition of ordinary Portland cement, crystallization takes place in different ways. In 75 % WGC samples, a special morphological feature was observed, including circular band shaped crystals in several locations. After performing EDS, it was clear that the circular band types of structures consist of silica (SiO2). Further, the optimum cut-off of OPC (50 % of WGC) specimen has a unique crystallization behaviour with elongated calcites. The dense, elongated calcite crystals make enhanced mechanical performance. Finally, the 25 % WGC samples consist of squared shape of calcite crystals. Therefore, the crystallization would also be an important factor when focusing on the higher compressive strength results. Based on the calcium, silicon, sodium and aluminium present in the green cement mix, the hydrates gels develop, highlighting calcium silicate hydrates (C-S-H), calcium aluminosilicate hydrates (C-A-S-H), sodium aluminosilicate hydrates (N-A-S-H) etc.

Fig. 9

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Fig. 9. Microstructure variations of WGC-OPC composites (a) WGC, (b) 75 % WGC, (C) 50 % WGC, and (d) 25 % WGC after 28 days.

Fig. 10-a, b shows the microstructure analysis of waste-based green cement after 56 days of curing period and the recast nature of the WGC. The layers of ettringite crystals were there in the hydrated products. After collecting samples from the failure surface of the strength test, the colour variation was identified throughout the section from red to dark. Therefore, two different samples were checked at different locations to evaluate the EDS results. It can be clearly seen that the quantity of sodium, aluminium and magnesium were different in both cases and hence the prominent hydrates gels would be varied. These images were colourized using the MountainsSEM software (free version). Fig. 10-c image emphasizes the possibility of making hydrates after reusing the WGC samples as secondary purposes. Still, it has capability of making hydrates gels, calcites, calcium hydroxide and ettringites. The nature of forming crystals was distinct from the normal WGC samples because it was not consisted with initial raw materials such as FA and GGBFS. However, this unique feature highlights the significance of choosing sustainable secondary cementitious materials to in line with the Sustainable development goals. Fig. 11 depicts the distribution of different elements in various compositions throughout the hydrated specimens and it can be clearly identified that the higher densities for calcium, silicon, aluminium and sodium minerals which effects on the formation of gel hydrates.

Fig. 10

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Fig. 10. Microstructural variations of WGC composites (a) Inner black colour part after 56 days, (b) Outer red colour part after 56 days, and (c) recast WGC composites after 28 days.

Fig. 11

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Fig. 11. Energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) analysis for 25 % WGC sample after 28 days.

3.4. Environmental impact

There is a significant reduction of CO2 emissions from the green cement manufacturing process compared to the typical OPC production. It is estimated that the total emission is 555 kg CO2 when producing 1 ton of PC slurry while it is 28.7 kg CO2 for the same amount of WGC slurry. It clearly shows that there is a high potential to achieve approximately 95 % of emissions reductions when using WGC. Table 7 records the data collected from the past literature related to the equivalent CO2 emissions of raw materials.

Table 7. Equivalent CO2 emissions of raw materials.

Raw material Emission (kg CO2-e/t) Reference
FA 9 [37,38]
GGBFS 19 [37,38]
RHA 157 [38,39]
MT 36 [40]
PC 820 [38,41]
Water 0.3 [42]

Generally, the required energy to produce a particular material would be converted to the equivalent amount of CO2 mass. Then it can be calculated the total emissions with the support of each quantity of material, used to produce the WGC slurry and OPC slurry separately.

3.5. Reusability and circular economy

WGC has a distinct property than OPC, highlighting the reusable characteristics. It means that after demolishing normal OPC construction, it is impossible to gain the considerable strength of refabricated samples without any admixtures. But the developed waste-based green cement itself has this special property to develop a significant strength again after reusing. In this research, this characteristic was checked by recasting some specimens. After conducting strength tests of WGC samples, they were crushed and sieved through 63 μm sieve and casted the same size samples. Then it was cured under ambient condition for 28 days and checked the strength of reused WGC samples. It was 6 MPa after 28 days.

A greater variety of construction applications, such as general housing construction, driveways, renders, mortar, interlocking paving blocks, hollow bricks, and grout, can be made with this green cement because of its higher mechanical performance. Its broader applicability was demonstrated by the casting of several construction elements, such as beams, blocks, curved structures, decorative tiles (with broken waste glass), and circular tiles etc (Fig. 12). The colours of the specimens vary due to the different sources of MT.

Fig. 12

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Fig. 12. Different structural elements casted using green cement (a) Hollow bricks, (b) Decorative tiles, (c) Curved pre-cast structures, (d) Beams, (e) Circular tiles, and (f) Interlocking paving blocks.

4. Conclusions

4.1. Key findings

  • The optimum compressive strength of WGC-OPC composites was achieved with 50 % WGC replacement, resulting in 22 MPa after 56 days, suitable for general construction.

  • Mine tailings and rice husk ash can replace commercial activators (sodium hydroxide and sodium silicate) for green alkaline activation.

  • WGC exhibits reusability after demolition, with recast samples showing 6 MPa compressive strength after 28 days, unlike OPC without admixtures.

  • In the early curing stages (7 days), the compressive strength of 75 % WGC substitution and the original green cement are similar, with values around 32 MPa for 25 % and 50 % replacements. After 28 days, strength increases significantly, especially for 50 % and 75 % WGC, with an estimated 99 % improvement.

  • A 25 % increase in OPC doubles the development of Portlandite (calcium hydroxide) in the early stages of curing (7 days).

  • The addition of OPC alters crystallization in WGC-OPC composites, with elongated calcite crystals forming in 50 % WGC samples for optimum results.

  • The optimized molar ratios for the WGC mix were SiO2/Al2O3 = 3, Na2O/Al2O3 = 1, and H2O/Na2O = 9, with a liquid-to-solid ratio of 0.48.

4.2. Broader implications

This research study contributes on the broad view of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), influencing on clean energy, sustainable cities, and climate action beneficially. When comparing with the conventional cement production, this green cement manufacturing process is eco-friendlier because it is involved very less operations. Therefore, this process consumes considerably lower energy compared to clinkering process involved in the cement manufacturing. Also, it is highlighted that the raw materials for developing this green cement mix is inexpensive because most of the materials are freely available as by-products from different industries. After enhancing this green cement technology further, it can be directed towards to build-up the sustainable cities only with green sky-scrapers and green buildings. Finally, there is a high opportunity to contribute on net zero carbon emissions by 2050 target using this green concept.

4.3. Future directions

The production of ultra-high strength cement binders is being investigated through new avenues opened up by this research study. Additionally, it emphasizes how green resources must be used in place of commercial activators like sodium hydroxide, potassium hydroxide, or sodium silicate in order to generate alkaline activated cement or geopolymers. Coal combustion energy would not be a sustainable way to generate energy given the increasing trend in the renewable energy industry. Therefore, it’s imperative to look into other options for flammable ashes such as bottom ash and fly ash. There is one potential to use soda lime glass powder in part instead of fly ash and it improves the compressive strength, tensile strength, and workability of the alkaline activated binder as the amount of replacement of fly ash by crushed glass [31]. On the other hand, there are numerous kinds of environmentally friendly additives that can improve both the mechanical and rheological qualities. For instance, an discarded aluminium foil can employ a high-quality fire retardant [11]. Moreover, this research study is a great pathway to investigate the possibility of developing an ultra-high strength cement binder and a well-cement mix which withstands against the high pressure and high temperature environment using green materials completely found from waste.

The acoustic and thermal properties of new sustainable materials can be greatly improved by recycled microplastic waste. The microplastic powder has a superb open-cell structure (recycle marine waste) and it demonstrates that this substance can be used in place of common insulators like rock wool, polyurethane, etc [43]. Utilising recycled engineering sediment waste is another cutting-edge method for producing sustainable supplemental cementitious materials. This method’s speciality is contrasted with landfilling, the suggested recycling strategy can save 1204.1 MJ/t of energy and 326.1 kg CO2eq/t of global warming potential [44]. Alkali-activated materials (AAM) have recently been developed through photovoltaic modules. After 28 days of curing, commercial NaOH, slag, and waste solar glass powder demonstrated a higher compressive strength as 75.3 MPa [45]. After a solar panel’s life, this would be a secure way to dispose the waste. Therefore, future researchers have higher potential to reveal different sustainable techniques to develop green cementitious alternatives using completely from various waste types and enhance the properties according to the specific applications.

CRediT authorship contribution statement

M.A.G.P. Perera: Writing – original draft, Formal analysis, Data curation. P.G. Ranjith: Writing – review & editing, Supervision, Funding acquisition, Conceptualization.

Role of the Funding source

This work was supported by the Department of Civil Engineering, Monash University, Australia.

Declaration of competing interest

The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.

5. Acknowledgement

Authors would like to acknowledge independent cement and lime, Australia for providing raw materials: fly ash and ground granulated blast furnace slag for this research study. Also, we are grateful for the Department of Civil Engineering and the Department of Chemical Engineering at Monash University for providing the laboratory facilities. Further, we are thankful for Monash X-ray platform (MXP) and Monash centre of electron microscopy (MCEM) for providing the facilities to analyse the mineralogical and microstructural variations of cement composites. Finally, special thank goes to the Materials characterization and fabrication platform (MCFP) at Melbourne University for analysing the chemical compositions of the raw materials.



    Alkaline activated cement


    American Society for Testing and Materials


    Energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy


    Fly ash


    Ground granulated blast furnace slag


    Mine tailings


    Ordinary Portland cement


    Rice husk ash


    Supplementary cementitious materials


    Scanning electron microscopy


    Uniaxial compressive strength


    Waste-based green cement


    X-ray Diffraction

Data availability

Data will be made available on request.

February 27, 2025 at 05:22PM

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