Study on the evolution processes of keyhole and melt pool in different laser welding methods for dissimilar materials based on a novel numerical model Study on the evolution processes of keyhole and melt pool in different laser welding methods for dissimilar materials based on a novel numerical model The stake welded T-joints which are joined by face plate and web plate perpendicularly are as the typical structures with the lightweight and high-strength advantages, which has been extensively used …

Looking Ahead: Mastering AI’s Role In SaaS Innovation In 2025 Looking Ahead: Mastering AI’s Role In SaaS Innovation In 2025 Andy Boyd is the CPO at Appfire, an enterprise collaboration software company that enables teams to plan and deliver their best work. getty 2025 promises to be a pivotal year for technology leaders as AI begins to transition from exploration to meaningful, results-driven applications. …

Trends Driving Automation Innovation

Trends Driving Automation Innovation The automotive industry is evolving, driven by advancements in electronic components that enhance performance, safety, and connectivity. Fremont, CA: The automotive industry is undergoing a significant transformation fueled by technological advancements and the integration of sophisticated electronic components. These innovations enhance vehicle performance and safety and revolutionize how we interact with …

Terra dei fuochi: Pichetto, da Cdm ok a Commissario unico

Terra dei fuochi: Pichetto, da Cdm ok a Commissario unico Terra dei fuochi: Pichetto, da Cdm ok a Commissario unico IannilliGNN@ma… Mer, 02/19/2025 – 13:39   Pichetto: Con questa nuova figura istituzionale l’area assume ancor più rilevanza a livello nazionale Roma, 19 febbraio 2025 – Il Consiglio dei Ministri, su proposta del Ministro dell’Ambiente e …

Piano d’azione per l’energia accessibile, Bruxelles guarda alle fossili

Piano d’azione per l’energia accessibile, Bruxelles guarda alle fossili Nella bozza in circolazione si parla di nuove misure per accelerare l’ammodernamento delle reti e tasse sull’elettricità più basse, anche di possibili contratti GNL a lungo termine e investimenti in infrastrutture fossili all’estero L’Affordable Energy Action Plan sarà presentato il 26 febbraio 2025 “Per fornire una …

Miami Digital Real Estate Summit 2025: A Groundbreaking Look into the Future of Smart Cities and Real Estate Innovation

Miami Digital Real Estate Summit 2025: A Groundbreaking Look into the Future of Smart Cities and Real Estate Innovation Miami, FL, Feb. 19, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — – The Miami Digital Real Estate Summit, hosted by Magma at the Phillip & Patricia Frost Museum of Science on February 11, 2025, brought together industry pioneers, government …

Sorbonne University Innovation Centre Welcomes Quantum Startups Qubit Pharmaceuticals and Welinq Sorbonne University Innovation Centre Welcomes Quantum Startups Qubit Pharmaceuticals and Welinq Insider Brief: Sorbonne University selected five companies, including Qubit Pharmaceuticals and Welinq, to join its upcoming Innovation Centre, a research and business hub opening in early 2026. Qubit Pharmaceuticals integrates quantum computing and AI to accelerate drug discovery, with its Atlas platform and …

“Packaging trends emphasize sustainability, logistics optimization, and consumer preferences” “Packaging trends emphasize sustainability, logistics optimization, and consumer preferences” "Packaging trends emphasize sustainability, logistics optimization, and consumer preferences" Having various types of packaging on offer ensures that a wide variety of different wants and needs can be satisfied. Next to increasing the visual appeal, certain types of packaging also speed up the workflow and …

In Italia il mercato delle Smart Home vale 900 milioni di euro

In Italia il mercato delle Smart Home vale 900 milioni di euro Il mercato delle Smart Home in Italia cresce dell’11% nel 2024, superando i 900 milioni di euro. Sicurezza, elettrodomestici smart e risparmio energetico trainano il settore, con l’IA sempre più integrata nei dispositivi. Adobe Stock Sicurezza, elettrodomestici, riscaldamento, climatizzazione e smart speaker sono …

Acqua, il gap globale tra domanda e disponibilità crescerà del 15% con 3°C

Acqua, il gap globale tra domanda e disponibilità crescerà del 15% con 3°C Con +1,5°C e +3°C, il water gap totale arriverebbe rispettivamente a 484,4 e 525,3 km3/anno Foto di Jimmy Chang su Unsplash Il riscaldamento globale aumenterà in modo sensibile la crisi idrica globale, aumentando la distanza tra offerta e domanda di acqua in …

Recepimento locale Salva Casa: a che punto sono le Regioni?

Recepimento locale Salva Casa: a che punto sono le Regioni? Ance aggiorna la sua guida al recepimento regionale del Salva Casa. Ad oggi solo 8 Regioni si sono espresse sulle modalità operative della sanatoria edilizia Immagine di freepik Il Decreto legge n.69/2024, meglio conosciuto come Salva casa, è entrato in vigore lo scorso luglio 2024. …


🌍 MODA SOSTENIBILE: LA REALTÀ DEL 2024. OCCASIONI MANCATE 📊 🌍 MODA SOSTENIBILE: LA REALTÀ DEL 2024. OCCASIONI MANCATE 📊 "Greenwashing o vero cambiamento?" Ecco cosa ci dicono i numeri sulla sostenibilità nel fashion: Solo lo 0,3% dei materiali tessili viene riutilizzato globalmente Un terzo dell’abbigliamento prodotto non viene MAI venduto Il fast fashion …

Infineon teams up with Thailand Science Research and Innovation to drive innovation ecosystem in Thailand

Infineon teams up with Thailand Science Research and Innovation to drive innovation ecosystem in Thailand –  Infineon and Thailand Science Research and Innovation (TSRI) have signed an MoU to strengthen the semiconductor ecosystem in Thailand–  Collaboration with local entrepreneurs and academic institutions aims at driving innovative products and solutions–  The agreement covers the development of …

A unified transport-velocity formulation for SPH simulation of cohesive granular materials A unified transport-velocity formulation for SPH simulation of cohesive granular materials 1. Introduction As a mesh-free method well-suited for simulating large material deformations, smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) (Gingold and Monaghan, 1977, Lucy, 1977) has been widely applied to granular material simulations (Zhan et al., 2019, Bui and Nguyen, 2021, del Castillo et al., 2024) …

Sustainability, Vol. 17, Pages 1740: Sustainable Insulating Materials for High-Voltage Equipment: Dielectric Properties of Green Synthesis-Based Nanofluids from Vegetable Oils

Sustainability, Vol. 17, Pages 1740: Sustainable Insulating Materials for High-Voltage Equipment: Dielectric Properties of Green Synthesis-Based Nanofluids from Vegetable Oils Sustainability, Vol. 17, Pages 1740: Sustainable Insulating Materials for High-Voltage Equipment: Dielectric Properties of Green Synthesis-Based Nanofluids from Vegetable Oils Sustainability doi: 10.3390/su17041740 Authors: Abubakar Siddique Muhammad Usama Shahid Waseem Aslam Shahid Atiq Mohammad R. …