Sustainable Healthcare: The Role of Public Health Leaders Sustainable Healthcare: The Role of Public Health Leaders Sustainability in healthcare is becoming increasingly important as hospitals are some of the most energy-intensive buildings, emitting 2.5 times more greenhouse gases than commercial buildings. In the U.S., the healthcare sector alone contributes nearly 10% of the country’s total greenhouse gas emissions, making it a significant …

Tech Innovation Engineer @ GSK Tech Innovation Engineer @ GSK Job Description: We are seeking a creative and experienced Tech Innovation Engineer with exposure to AI/ML technologies and expertise in cloud infrastructure, specifically Azure and GCP, to join our Emerging Tech team. In this role, you will be responsible for developing Technological Proof of Concepts (PoCs), Proof of Values …

Fashion 4.0 and emerging designers: leveraging data and AI to drive creativity, innovation and compliance in global supply chain regulation

Fashion 4.0 and emerging designers: leveraging data and AI to drive creativity, innovation and compliance in global supply chain regulation Abstract This paper presents three interrelated arguments concerning the fashion industry and regulation. First, we propose that Bertola’s and Teunissen’s concept of Fashion 4.0 offers a powerful framework for understanding the organization of global fashion …

Hafnium based ferromagnetic half metals for spintronics and thermoelectric applications – Materials Computation Hafnium based ferromagnetic half metals for spintronics and thermoelectric applications – Materials Computation Climate change is one of the most pressing issues facing the globe today because of the significant carbon footprint produced by the combustion of coal and gasoline engines used to produce traditional power. Furthermore, thermodynamic constraints result in the waste of …

Call for Papers: Contributions on Regulatory Initiatives on Ecodesign and Sustainable Products to the Journal of Law, Market & Innovation (JMLI)

Call for Papers: Contributions on Regulatory Initiatives on Ecodesign and Sustainable Products to the Journal of Law, Market & Innovation (JMLI) We are happy to share the following call for papers by the Journal of Law, Market & Innovation (JMLI): The JLMI invites contributions on the subject of “Regulatory Initiatives on Ecodesign and Sustainable Products”, …

Elevated Materials Launches to Revolutionize Battery Performance

Elevated Materials Launches to Revolutionize Battery Performance Elevated Materials Launches to Revolutionize Battery Performance Feb.04.2025 Backed by TPG and Applied Materials, Elevated Materials leverages decades of vacuum roll-to-roll processing to bring ultra-thin lithium films to the battery market SANTA CLARA, Calif. – February 4, 2025 – Elevated MaterialsTM, a newly formed independent company, launched today …

Auto elettrica, Peugeot spinge sull’autonomia: fino a 700 km

Auto elettrica, Peugeot spinge sull’autonomia: fino a 700 km E-Lion Day di Peugeot, presentati i modelli E-3008 ed E-5008 con potenti motori elettrici dalla grande autonomia Auto elettrica di Peugeot: Fonte Peugeot Media Circa 1,1 milioni venduti in tutto il mondo, ordini di veicoli elettrici raddoppiati, e 12 vetture EV disponibili. Questi i numeri di …

RECON 2.2, il simulatore per CER ed autoconsumo collettivo si aggiorna

RECON 2.2, il simulatore per CER ed autoconsumo collettivo si aggiorna ENEA rilascia la versione aggiornata dell’applicativo di simulazione per la valutazione economica delle Comunità di Energia Rinnovabile. Possibile analizzare diverse tipologie di utente e simulare anche impianti eolici e idroelettrici Immagine via Depositphotos Quando si parla di installazioni al servizio di Comunità energetiche rinnovabili …

Engineering a Healthcare Analytics Center of Excellence (ACoE): A Strategic Framework for Innovation

Engineering a Healthcare Analytics Center of Excellence (ACoE): A Strategic Framework for Innovation In today’s rapidly evolving healthcare landscape, artificial intelligence (AI) and generative AI are no longer just buzzwords – they’re transformative technologies reshaping how we deliver care, manage operations, and drive innovation. As healthcare organizations navigate this complex technological frontier, establishing an Analytics …

Elon Musk Talks ‘Tech Support’ Governance as World Leaders Champion Innovation-Driven Reforms at Dubai Summit Elon Musk Talks ‘Tech Support’ Governance as World Leaders Champion Innovation-Driven Reforms at Dubai Summit DUBAI, United Arab Emirates–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Wearing a “Tech Support”-printed T-shirt, Elon Musk virtually took to the stage on the final day of the World Governments Summit in a live discussion with H.E. Omar Sultan Al Olama, UAE Minister of State …

Do consumers still care about sustainability? Do consumers still care about sustainability? Sustainability has dominated the food and beverage conversation for the past two decades, with consumers increasingly concerned about the damaging effects of climate change, and the future of the planet. But opinions are changing and consumer interest in sustainability is beginning to wane. So, do consumers still care …

Design of a passive temperature management house using composite phase change materials Design of a passive temperature management house using composite phase change materials Human progress and the increase in industrial output have led to a gradual acceleration in energy consumption. At the same time, there is a growing demand for a higher quality of life, with the fundamental requirement for human comfort being within an …

M2C4 I3.4 Bonifica del suolo dei siti orfani. Pubblicate le Istruzioni operative per il rispetto del principio DNSH

M2C4 I3.4 Bonifica del suolo dei siti orfani. Pubblicate le Istruzioni operative per il rispetto del principio DNSH M2C4 I3.4 Bonifica del suolo dei siti orfani. Pubblicate le Istruzioni operative per il rispetto del principio DNSH romanomrt@mase… Ven, 02/14/2025 – 16:07 Per la misura M2C4 I3.4 “Bonifica del suolo dei siti orfani” sono disponibili le …

Canada looks to strike balance between AI innovation and regulation at Paris AI Summit Canada looks to strike balance between AI innovation and regulation at Paris AI Summit Under outgoing Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s leadership, Canada reaffirmed its commitment to responsible AI development at the AI Action Summit in Paris this week as the United States (US) and the European Union (EU) grow further apart in their approaches …

Materials, Vol. 18, Pages 844: New Insight into a Green Process for Iron Manganese Ore Utilization: Efficient Separation of Manganese and Iron Based on Phase Reconstruction by Vanadium Recycle

Materials, Vol. 18, Pages 844: New Insight into a Green Process for Iron Manganese Ore Utilization: Efficient Separation of Manganese and Iron Based on Phase Reconstruction by Vanadium Recycle Materials, Vol. 18, Pages 844: New Insight into a Green Process for Iron Manganese Ore Utilization: Efficient Separation of Manganese and Iron Based on Phase Reconstruction …