DPD boosts sustainability with reusable packaging from Hey Circle

https://ift.tt/ATMhBYo DPD boosts sustainability with reusable packaging from Hey Circle DPD Germany has partnered with reusable packaging supplier Hey Circle to improve the sustainability of the 350 million parcels it ships each year. According to DPD, Hey Circle’s reusable shipping boxes provide customers with an environmentally friendly, stable and reusable packaging material that protects their …

Research on the activity of dry-discharge coal-fired slag of different particle sizes and their performance as precursors of alkali-activated backfilling cementitious materials

https://ift.tt/5n0QwrI Research on the activity of dry-discharge coal-fired slag of different particle sizes and their performance as precursors of alkali-activated backfilling cementitious materials As the largest coal producer globally, China’s annual output accounts for about 45.44% of global coal production (Ouyang et al., 2022). In 2022, China’s raw coal production was 4.56 billion tons, up …

Dipendenza Ue dalle importazioni energetiche quasi al 60%, come intervenire?

Dipendenza Ue dalle importazioni energetiche quasi al 60%, come intervenire? L’Europa si conferma l’area con il maggior grado di dipendenza energetica tra le grandi economie mondiali, con il 58,3% del fabbisogno soddisfatto dalle importazioni. Un dato che contrasta nettamente con quello della Cina, ferma al 20%, e degli Stati Uniti, completamente autosufficienti. La necessità di …

Idrogeno dal bioetanolo senza CO2, uno studio apre la strada

Idrogeno dal bioetanolo senza CO2, uno studio apre la strada Messo a punto un processo catalitico termico che converte etanolo e acqua in idrogeno e acido acetico a basse temperature, e con una produzione di anidride carbonica prossima allo zero Foto di Aristal Branson da Pixabay Idrogeno dal bioetanolo senza alte temperature grazie ad un …

Adsorption mechanism of Rhodamine wastewater in the MOFs materials: Effect of metal center and organic ligand

https://ift.tt/K6cMSv9 Adsorption mechanism of Rhodamine wastewater in the MOFs materials: Effect of metal center and organic ligand Dye wastewaters are discharged mainly from the textile industry, the dyeing industry, the paper and pulp industry, the tannery and paint industry and the dye manufacturing industry which will cause serious environmental pollution and pose serious threats to …

Capstone Green Energy Files Third Quarter Fiscal 2025 Financial Results

https://ift.tt/w5UHmQl Capstone Green Energy Files Third Quarter Fiscal 2025 Financial Results LOS ANGELES–(BUSINESS WIRE)—- $CGEH #CleanPower–Capstone Green Energy Holdings, Inc. (the "Company” or “Capstone”) (PINK: CGEH), the public successor to Capstone Green Energy Corporation, announced its financial results for the quarter ended December 31, 2024 (the third quarter of fiscal year 2025). The Company continues …

Costruire città più resilienti con l’IA, IBM e C40 danno il via al progetto

Costruire città più resilienti con l’IA, IBM e C40 danno il via al progetto Nell’ambito del programma IBM Sustainability Accelerator, C40 avrà a disposizione fino a 3 milioni di dollari per sviluppare tecnologie avanzate per combattere con l’Intelligenza Artificiale le sfide urbane più urgenti credits: Lummi La tech company IBM ha stretto una partnership con …

Olimpiadi Milano Cortina 2026, non sappiamo ancora qual è l’impatto ambientale

Olimpiadi Milano Cortina 2026, non sappiamo ancora qual è l’impatto ambientale Quanto pesano effettivamente le opere sull’ambiente?, si chiedono i promotori della campagna. La maggior parte delle opere non è stata sottoposta alle valutazioni ambientali grazie al commissariamento straordinario via depositphotos.com Manca meno di 1 anno all’inizio delle Olimpiadi Milano Cortina 2026, ma solo il …

Bharat Tex 2025 opens with focus on sustainability & digitisation

https://ift.tt/xvYCca4 Bharat Tex 2025 opens with focus on sustainability & digitisation India’s global textile exhibition Bharat Tex 2025 began with the inauguration by Giriraj Singh, Union Minister of Textiles on Friday at Bharat Mandapam, New Delhi. This year’s version of the exhibition is especially focusing on sustainability, circularity and digitisation. The minister inaugurated the event …

Epson’s Commitment to Sustainable Innovation

https://ift.tt/MaVQwcK Epson’s Commitment to Sustainable Innovation As Environmental, Social and Governance [ESG] gains momentum globally, Epson strengthens its position as sustainability leader by using innovative technology alongside thoughtful investments in an era where ecological responsibility matters most. Epson is committed to achieving carbon negativity and underground resource freedom as part of its 2050 sustainability initiative, …

Vardhman Textiles redefines yarn innovation at Bharat Tex 2025

https://ift.tt/XsIFHoi Vardhman Textiles redefines yarn innovation at Bharat Tex 2025 Vardhman Textiles Ltd., a recognized leader in the textile industry, unveiled three ground-breaking yarn collections at Bharat Tex 2025, solidifying its commitment to innovation, sustainability, and premium quality.   Vardhman Textiles Ltd has launched three innovative yarn collections at Bharat Tex 2025, reinforcing its commitment to …

Q1 2025 Applied Materials Inc Earnings Call

https://ift.tt/ozQ43AM Q1 2025 Applied Materials Inc Earnings Call Gary Dickerson; President, Chief Executive Officer, Director; Applied Materials Inc Brice Hill; Senior Vice President, Chief Financial Officer and Global Information Services; Applied Materials Inc Stacy Rasgon; Analyst; Bernstein Research. Srinivas Pajjuri; Analyst; Raymond James & Associates, Inc. Chris Caso; Analyst; Wolfe Research. Mehdi Hosseini; Analyst; Susquehanna. …

TV: MASE, Linea Verde Italia a Pescara

TV: MASE, Linea Verde Italia a Pescara TV: MASE, Linea Verde Italia a Pescara IannilliGNN@ma… Ven, 02/14/2025 – 13:39 Roma, 14 febbraio – E’ dedicata a Pisa il prossimo appuntamento di “Linea Verde Italia”, programma realizzato dalla Rai in convenzione con il Ministero dell’Ambiente e della Sicurezza energetica. La puntata in onda su Rai 1 …

Finanza sostenibile, gli investitori istituzionali minacciano gli asset manager

Finanza sostenibile, gli investitori istituzionali minacciano gli asset manager L’appello è sottoscritto da un’alleanza di 26 investitori basati in Regno Unito, Europa, Australia e Stati Uniti e chiede agli asset manager una stewardship climatica attiva L’articolo Finanza sostenibile, gli investitori istituzionali minacciano gli asset manager proviene da Rinnovabili. February 14, 2025 at 01:16PM https://ift.tt/Rv3M5Ds La …