Sustainable construction materials from leveraging water hyacinth and wastepaper for superior sound absorption and thermal insulation

Sustainable construction materials from leveraging water hyacinth and wastepaper for superior sound absorption and thermal insulation Environmental challenges, including heat and noise pollution, increasingly impact urban living and architectural comfort [1]. Consequently, there is a growing demand for sustainable construction materials that address these issues. Researchers have actively explored innovative materials for diverse applications, particularly …

Saudi Arabia snaps up Olam’s agribusiness division in a deal valued at $4 billion, more than the Singaporean firm’s entire market cap

Saudi Arabia snaps up Olam’s agribusiness division in a deal valued at $4 billion, more than the Singaporean firm’s entire market cap The Saudi Agricultural and Livestock Investment Company (Salic), owned by the kingdom’s Public Investment Fund, already owns about a third of Olam Agri. On Monday, Salic put forward a plan to acquire the …

Industrial hemp regulation review gets the green light

Industrial hemp regulation review gets the green light But Hemp Industries Association president Richard Barge said industrial hemp contained “very minimal amounts” of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the psychoactive chemical compound found in cannabis, to which hemp was closely related. He said he hoped the review would change the stigma around industrial hemp and cannabis, and unlock …

What’s Changing in Sustainability? Weekly Update ( Feb 16-22,2025)

Stay informed on the latest sustainability developments with this weekly update, covering pivotal shifts in environmental policy, energy efficiency, and regulatory frameworks. From urgent flood relief efforts in Botswana and emerging plastic pollution dialogues at the WTO, to evolving directives on sustainability reporting in the EU, there’s no shortage of timely headlines shaping the global conversation. Discover how corporations are adjusting packaging strategies amid tariff concerns, learn about groundbreaking solutions in carbon capture and geothermal energy, and explore how major international partnerships are accelerating clean energy expansion. Whether it’s mining’s impact on local water resources in Peru or large-scale battery projects charting the course for renewables in Saudi Arabia, each story underscores the interplay between technology, policy, and community well-being in driving a more sustainable future.

Recent progress of mechanically activated Mg-based materials to promote hydrogen generation via hydrolysis

Recent progress of mechanically activated Mg-based materials to promote hydrogen generation via hydrolysis Urbanization and industrialization have led to increases in energy utilization, and large-scale non-renewable fossil fuel use has caused environmental pollution, global warming, and climate change; thus, research on green and renewable energy sources is essential. Researchers have suggested that a shift from …

Research progress on the application of hydrogel adsorbent materials in wastewater treatment: A review

Research progress on the application of hydrogel adsorbent materials in wastewater treatment: A review Water is the source of life and plays an important role in human development. Industrial output and residential water consumption are rising in tandem with the rapid economic growth, while the pollution of water resources caused by modern human activities is …

Più flessibilità salva l’industria dell’auto UE ma azzoppa gli EV

Più flessibilità salva l’industria dell’auto UE ma azzoppa gli EV Qual è l’impatto delle richieste di deroga avanzate dai maggiori marchi auto europei? Sono misure necessarie per salvaguardare la competitività del settore, o un modo per rallentare l’impegno sul fronte dell’elettrico? Foto di CHUTTERSNAP su Unsplash I nuovi limiti per le emissioni sono una condanna …

Plastic wastes for carbon-based materials: investigations on recent applications towards environmentally sustainable, carbon dioxide capture and green energy

Plastic wastes for carbon-based materials: investigations on recent applications towards environmentally sustainable, carbon dioxide capture and green energy Plastics have become integral to daily human life, yet the issue of plastic waste persists as a major environmental pollutant (Bassyouni et al., 2025; Kapoor et al., 2024). The quick rise in the global population has enhanced …

EnBW wins European Geothermal Innovation Award for lithium extraction technology

EnBW wins European Geothermal Innovation Award for lithium extraction technology The European Geothermal Energy Council (EGEC) has awarded the Ruggero Bertani European Geothermal Innovation Award 2025 to EnBW Energie for its pioneering CASCADE project, an innovative approach to lithium extraction from geothermal brines. The EGIA award, recognises outstanding companies that have made outstanding contributions towards …

Francia dice no agli Pfas: vietati gli “inquinanti eterni” in tessuti e cosmetici

Francia dice no agli Pfas: vietati gli “inquinanti eterni” in tessuti e cosmetici La Francia ha vietato gli Pfas a partire dal 1° gennaio 2926: sarà il primo paese europeo a bandirli in molti prodotti di uso comune Fonte Freepik La Francia dice stop agli Pfas, le sostanze chimiche diffuse in moltissimi prodotti di largo …

L’UE fallirà 2/3 degli obiettivi del Green Deal al 2030

L’UE fallirà 2/3 degli obiettivi del Green Deal al 2030 Dei 28 indicatori chiave che fotografano lo stato di attuazione della transizione verde dell’Europa, solo 8 sono sulla buona strada o c’è un’alta probabilità che si riesca a raggiungere i target stabiliti. Il rapporto di monitoraggio dell’Agenzia UE per l’Ambiente via Più investimenti in …