Passion For Secondhand Fashion Propels Resale To Top Of Retail Class. Landlords And Major Players Want In

Passion For Secondhand Fashion Propels Resale To Top Of Retail Class. Landlords And Major Players Want In Scouring overstuffed clothing racks for hidden gems and vintage items that express individuality used to be a prime pastime for college students and teenagers with part-time jobs. But a huge swath of millennials never outgrew the practice and …

FlackTek™: How a 1960s Patent Led to the Future of Materials Processing FlackTek™: How a 1960s Patent Led to the Future of Materials Processing The MEGA FlackTek — also known as “The GOAT”—is the game-changer your manufacturing operations need. This image, scaled to fit, is from the original patent by inventor Cecil Halliday Woodham. Originally designed to mix dental materials, their innovation laid the foundation for …

Come semplificare la Tassonomia UE alleggerendo le aziende del 30% del peso amministrativo

Come semplificare la Tassonomia UE alleggerendo le aziende del 30% del peso amministrativo Pubblicate le indicazioni della Piattaforma per la Finanza Sostenibile. Potrebbero essere recepite dalla Commissione UE nel preparare il regolamento Omnibus, previsto per il 26 febbraio L’articolo Come semplificare la Tassonomia UE alleggerendo le aziende del 30% del peso amministrativo proviene da Rinnovabili. …

Research Fellow (Computational Aerodynamics and Aeroacoustics) – School of Metallurgy and Materials – 104750 – Grade 7 @ University of Birmingham Research Fellow (Computational Aerodynamics and Aeroacoustics) – School of Metallurgy and Materials – 104750 – Grade 7 @ University of Birmingham Position Details School of Metallurgy and Materials, College of Engineering and Physical Sciences Location: University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, Birmingham UK Full time starting salary is normally in the range £35,880 to £45,163 with …

Clarity AI releases sustainability tools for fund managers, portfolio managers, and ESG analysts Clarity AI releases sustainability tools for fund managers, portfolio managers, and ESG analysts Clarity AI, the leading global sustainability tech company, today announced the launch of a solution designed for fund managers, portfolio managers, and ESG analysts to easily navigate the growing complexity of regulatory and labelling requirements for sustainable investment funds in Europe. …

Biodegradable Materials Challenge Traditional Moldmaking Approaches Biodegradable Materials Challenge Traditional Moldmaking Approaches Helm Tool’s collaborative model enables innovative experimentation with new materials, such as compostable plastic, to develop custom solutions. Source (All images) | Helm Tool Helm Tool has established itself as a key player, not just in producing traditional molds but also in pioneering the use of biodegradable materials. …

Domande Energy Release 2.0, il MASE studia nuove tempistiche  

Domande Energy Release 2.0, il MASE studia nuove tempistiche   Sottosegretario Barbaro: in fase di studio schemi di documenti contrattuali per andare incontro alle esigenze manifestate dalle imprese Foto di Jean Martinelle da Pixabay Question Time alla Camera dei Deputati Tempistiche troppo ristrette e incertezze legate ai sistemi contabili e fiscali potrebbero minare l’efficacia dell’Energy Release …

Top energy tech start-ups to have on your radar in 2025

Top energy tech start-ups to have on your radar in 2025 The Start Up Energy Transition (SET) Global Innovation Platform has announced the top 100 start-ups of 2025 within energy and climate tech, highlighting their innovations across sectors, from clean energy and storage to mobility and more. SET, launched by the German Energy Agency (dena) …

“È tempo di agire #TimetoAct”, 12a Giornata nazionale di prevenzione dello spreco alimentare

“È tempo di agire #TimetoAct”, 12a Giornata nazionale di prevenzione dello spreco alimentare In occasione della 12a Giornata nazionale di prevenzione dello spreco alimentare, Waste Watcher ha presentato i dati su “Il caso Italia”. I numeri italiani sono ancora troppo alti, e soprattutto emerge uno scollamento tra la percezione e la realtà. Fondamentale puntare sull’educazione …

Intelligenza artificiale e robot per recuperare rifiuti elettronici

Intelligenza artificiale e robot per recuperare rifiuti elettronici Uno studio tedesco combina diverse tecnologie avanzate per smontare e recuperare metalli e terre rare dai rifiuti elettronici, che diventano sempre più abbondanti Fonte Unsplash Sempre più dispositivi elettronici nelle nostre vite, sempre più rifiuti elettronici, a causa dei problemi di vita ridotti di batterie e device. …

La qualità dell’acqua nel trattamento degli alimenti

La qualità dell’acqua nel trattamento degli alimenti La qualità dell’acqua è molto importante nel trattamento industriale degli alimenti freschi, come frutta, verdura ed erbe aromatiche. Esiste infatti il rischio di introdurre microrganismi dannosi nei prodotti alimentari che possono avere gravi conseguenze sulla salute delle persone Foto Freepik Qualità dell’acqua e salute delle persone La qualità …

Hitachi Establishes Its Fourth Corporate Venture Capital Fund to Capture Technology Turning Points and Future Growth Opportunities Hitachi Establishes Its Fourth Corporate Venture Capital Fund to Capture Technology Turning Points and Future Growth Opportunities Hitachi Establishes Its Fourth Corporate Venture Capital Fund to Capture Technology Turning Points and Future Growth Opportunities Author of the article: Published Feb 05, 2025  •  5 minute read You can save this article by registering for …

Merchants Investing in Payment Upgrades as Gen Z and Millennials Prioritise Quality, Sustainability, and Security for Luxury Purchases in 2025 Merchants Investing in Payment Upgrades as Gen Z and Millennials Prioritise Quality, Sustainability, and Security for Luxury Purchases in 2025 Millennials, many now in their peak earning years, and Gen Z, an emerging spending powerhouse*, are driving a shift toward ‘accessible luxury’ – prioritising quality, sustainability and secure, seamless shopping experiences. New research by …

Vertex Bioenergy lands $363M sustainability-linked financing

Vertex Bioenergy lands $363M sustainability-linked financing In Spain, Vertex Bioenergy has secured new sustainability-linked long-term financing of approximately €350 million. The new platform financing streamlines Vertex Bioenergy’s existing debt profile and comprises significant undrawn, committed debt facilities to fund the diversification and growth of the business, including through the construction of new biomethane plants. Vertex …

New WEF Report Reveals Jobs on the Brink of Extinction New WEF Report Reveals Jobs on the Brink of Extinction Hello everyone! I reviewed the report published on the Future of Work and wanted to share the insights I gained as a data analyst with hackernoon readers. Between 2025 and 2030, a major transformation is expcted in the labor market, some professions will grow …