C+S Architects completa la nuova scuola NZEB best practice del Miur

C+S Architects completa la nuova scuola NZEB best practice del Miur Immersa in un vasto parco, la scuola NZEB progettato da C+S Architects unisce l’avanguardia spaziale flessibile alla sostenibilità energetica Scuola NZEB Alzano Lombardo – credits: c+s Architects Dopo 5 anni di lavoro gli architetti di C+S ARCHITECTS hanno completato la scuola NZEB (Nearly Zero …

A che punto è l’UE nella corsa verso  gli edifici a emissioni zero entro il 2050?

A che punto è l’UE nella corsa verso  gli edifici a emissioni zero entro il 2050? Il World Green Building Council ha elaborato un nuovo tool digitale chiamato “EU Building Policy Tracker” per monitorare i progressi compiuti dall’Ue verso la decarbonizzazione, analizzando lacune e interventi da apportare alle politiche normative comunitarie e nazionali credits AdobeStock …

Recupera video e materiali de “Il ruolo dei BESS per la transizione energetica, capacity market e MACSE”

Recupera video e materiali de “Il ruolo dei BESS per la transizione energetica, capacity market e MACSE” Abbonati al servizio Premium di Rinnovabili per accedere on-demand ai materiali della nuova serie di webinar “Energy & Policy Talks”. Da oggi disponibili slide e registrazione del seminario "Il ruolo dei BESS per la transizione energetica, capacity market …

Smartphone, 700 milioni sono abbandonati nei cassetti di casa: valgono 1,4 miliardi di euro

Smartphone, 700 milioni sono abbandonati nei cassetti di casa: valgono 1,4 miliardi di euro In Europa ci sarebbe un vero tesoro abbandonato: i nostri vecchi smartphone che non vengono rivenduti o smaltiti in modo corretto Fonte Swappie Migliaia di smartphone abbandonati nei cassetti delle nostre case. Forse obsoleti, danneggiati, o semplicemente passati di moda. Qualunque …

Rapporto Mercato Unico 2025, le aziende hanno bisogno di più investimenti per la transizione

Rapporto Mercato Unico 2025, le aziende hanno bisogno di più investimenti per la transizione Pubblicata dalla Commissione europea la Relazione annuale 2025 sul mercato unico e la competitività, che analizza i punti di forza e di debolezza dell’economia dell’UE. Tracciata l’evoluzione di 22 indicatori chiave di performance come i prezzi dell’energia e gli investimenti nella …

German Financial Regulator Calls For Reduction Of EU Sustainability Reporting

German Financial Regulator Calls For Reduction Of EU Sustainability Reporting A picture taken on May 5, 2021 shows a flag of the European Union flying outside the European … [+] commission headquarters in Brussels. (Photo by Kenzo TRIBOUILLARD / AFP) (Photo by KENZO TRIBOUILLARD/AFP via Getty Images) AFP via Getty Images Following calls to reduce …

Suzano signs long-term deal with Marvin following successful validation of forestry sector AI geospatial intelligence capabilities

Suzano signs long-term deal with Marvin following successful validation of forestry sector AI geospatial intelligence capabilities Suzano signs long-term deal with Marvin following successful validation of forestry sector AI geospatial intelligence capabilities Suzano Ventures increases its strategic equity holding in Marvin, with follow-on funding after initial investment in October 2023 The world’s largest pulp supplier, …

Misguided Regulation Is Putting the Sustainable Fashion Movement at Risk

Misguided Regulation Is Putting the Sustainable Fashion Movement at Risk For the last five years, the European Union has been at the forefront of an unprecedented push to regulate fashion. Though the industry’s glamourous image long protected it from the level of scrutiny levelled at other sectors, like agriculture, automotives or oil and gas, its …

Announcing the Sustainability Expo, at Olympia, London, on the 5th-6th February 2025!

Announcing the Sustainability Expo, at Olympia, London, on the 5th-6th February 2025! The Sustainability Expo is coming to Olympia, London on the 5th-6th of February to host. 500 sustainability and 7,000 technology professionals, in partnership with TechEx Global andtheir co-located events. Where innovation meets sustainability, Sustainability Expo is aimed at advancing sustainablepractices through innovation. On …

Berlin’s Nala Earth raises €3.8M to help businesses manage environmental risks and comply with regulations

Berlin’s Nala Earth raises €3.8M to help businesses manage environmental risks and comply with regulations Berlin-based Nala Earth, a nature & biodiversity management platform, has raised €3.8M in funding. The round was led by European VC firm IRIS, with support from KOMPAS VC, Pale Blue Dot, and Founderful. The funding will be used to enhance …

The Future of Carbon Accounting: GHG Emissions Scopes in Mission-Critical Power

The Future of Carbon Accounting: GHG Emissions Scopes in Mission-Critical Power The concentration of Greenhouse Gases (GHG) in the earth’s atmosphere has risen dramatically since the pre-industrial era (Figure 1) and it is widely accepted that anthropogenic – or human – activities such as the burning of fossil fuels and land clearance for agriculture are …

Industry must work together on emissions and ‘compare apples with apples’ – Intrepid

Industry must work together on emissions and ‘compare apples with apples’ – Intrepid Hazel McGuire, Intrepid Travel’s general manager UK and Ireland, believes there needs to be more alignment among businesses and other operators on how emissions are recorded to strengthen their industry’s response to the climate crisis and ensure apples are being compared with …

Why Sustainability Is Critical For Business Success In 2025 (and The Data To Prove It)

Why Sustainability Is Critical For Business Success In 2025 (and The Data To Prove It) Why Sustainability Is Critical for Business Success in 2025 (and the Data to Prove It) LightRocket via Getty Images Business can be the most powerful force for good when it prioritizes collaboration and shared responsibility. Moving from a “me-first” to …

India Inc feels need to relook choices on AI, hiring, sustainability

India Inc feels need to relook choices on AI, hiring, sustainability Mumbai: The latest geo-political and technological changes have commercial implications for companies, giving rise to dilemmas over decisions about their bottom line, reputation and stakeholder management. Here’s what companies may have to rethink: Investment in sustainability With the US withdrawing from the Paris Climate …