Starbucks takes a step toward sustainability with new compostable cups Starbucks takes a step toward sustainability with new compostable cups The company is rolling out molded fiber cups in 14 states as part of its eco-friendly initiatives. Starbucks is shaking things up with a new approach to its cold drink cups. Instead of the usual clear plastic, many locations are now serving iced drinks …

“MANTRA Secures First VARA DeFi License, paving the way for global growth and innovation in financial products” This title effectively conveys the securing of a DeFi license, the opening up of new financial product opportunities, and the strategic developmental aim, all while adhering to formal and professional tone.

“MANTRA Secures First VARA DeFi License, paving the way for global growth and innovation in financial products” This title effectively conveys the securing of a DeFi license, the opening up of new financial product opportunities, and the strategic developmental aim, all while adhering to formal and professional tone. Certainly! Below is a structured summary of …

GreenPlast 2025: Shaping a Sustainable Future for Plastics

GreenPlast 2025: Shaping a Sustainable Future for Plastics GreenPlast ospiterà il convegno “Shaping a Sustainable Future for Plastics”, organizzato in collaborazione con AMI (Applied Market Information). La mostra-convegno è destinata a confermarsi come l’evento dell’anno su tutte le tematiche relative all’ambiente e alla sostenibilità della plastica. A tale riguardo, il 29 maggio, terzo giorno del convegno, interverrà …

Hexagon and Oracle Red Bull Racing renew innovation partnership Hexagon and Oracle Red Bull Racing renew innovation partnership 3D ScannersAcquisitions, Mergers & PartnershipsAutomotive AMRapid Prototyping Advancing digitalization efforts ahead of the new 2026 Formula 1 regulations that require all cars to be completely redesigned Stay up to date with everything that is happening in the wonderful world of AM via our LinkedIn community. …

How Routine Problems Led to Business Innovation: 20 Stories How Routine Problems Led to Business Innovation: 20 Stories What begins as an everyday challenge can often spark groundbreaking innovation. In this article, business owners and founders reveal how they turned common problems into successful ventures. From a simple pressure washing job that blossomed into a thriving business, to automating project creation for process …

Rifiuti edili: dal 13 febbraio il primo obbligo RENTRI per le imprese

Rifiuti edili: dal 13 febbraio il primo obbligo RENTRI per le imprese Le novità sul Registro elettronico nazionale per la tracciabilità dei rifiuti RENTRI. Chi è obbligato ad Iscriversi e chi solo a Registrarsi, quando compilare il registro cronologico di carico e scarico e il Formulari di identificazione del rifiuto (FIR). Le possibili proroghe alla …

Parisi: perché il nucleare non è la soluzione

Parisi: perché il nucleare non è la soluzione Per il Nobel per la fisica converrebbe spendere sugli accumuli piuttosto che lavorare per il nucleare che “non concorrerebbe alla diminuzione del prezzo finale dell’energia” Foto di Markus Distelrath da Pixabay “Qualcuno pensa – non so come – che il nucleare possa essere una fonte alternativa da …

Arts & Culture (02/20/25)

Arts & Culture (02/20/25) 1 of 10 Earthbound at MO_Space TO SEE if ecological art is impactful and practical, Geraldine Javier, Marionne Contreras, and Steffi Cua are presenting their attempts to connect with the earth using natural materials in the exhibit Earthbound. Ms. Javier continues her research and documentation on the dyeing properties of Philippine …

‘Academia plays crucial role in innovation’ ‘Academia plays crucial role in innovation’ SEVERAL higher education institutions (HEIs), with some represented by university chief executives, joined the Universiti Teknologi Petronas (UTP)-Philippine Industry Partners Roundtable organized by the Embassy of Malaysia in Makati City on Feb. 12, 2025. The event focused on technology transfer, energy security and transition, and the halal industry, …

British Fashion Council CEO: ‘London Fashion Week has always been the home of innovation’ British Fashion Council CEO: ‘London Fashion Week has always been the home of innovation’ By Caroline Rush 19 February 2025 The autumn/winter 25 edition of London Fashion Week, which begins Friday 21 February, will be Caroline Rush’s last season as CEO of the British Fashion Council (BFC). She steps down in June after a …

Frena il mercato europeo delle pompe di calore: -23% nelle vendite 

Frena il mercato europeo delle pompe di calore: -23% nelle vendite  L’Associazione europea delle pompe di calore (EHPA) pubblica i dati preliminari del settore per l’anno appena concluso: 2 milioni di apparecchi venduti in 13 Paesi, oltre mezzo milione in meno rispetto al 2023 I dati sulle vendite 2024 delle PdC in Europa e Italia …

Influenza aviaria: la diffusione negli USA, gli studi in Europa

Influenza aviaria: la diffusione negli USA, gli studi in Europa Mentre dagli Stati Uniti giungono allarmi per la diffusione e mutazione dei virus dell’influenza aviaria, in Europa si fanno studi per evidenziare eventuali rischi e preparare strategie di contenimento. Per tutelare la salute pubblica bisogna predisporre efficienti piani preventivi e sono cruciali la collaborazione e …

Patient capital is the missing piece in Canada’s innovation puzzle Patient capital is the missing piece in Canada’s innovation puzzle Patient capital is the missing piece in Canada’s innovation puzzle The venture capital ecosystem must create conditions for patient bets on tech that provide defensible IP with sustained growth Published Feb 19, 2025  •  4 minute read You can save this article by registering …

Climate and Energy Executive Orders: Implications for Corporate Sustainability Climate and Energy Executive Orders: Implications for Corporate Sustainability On January 20, 2025, the president signed three significant climate and energy-related executive orders—“Declaring a National Energy Emergency,” “Unleashing American Energy,” and “Putting America First in International Environmental Agreements”—and rescinded several executive orders from prior administrations, including those focused on reducing emissions and expanding clean …

New York Embroidery Studio relies on 3D printing for fashion production

New York Embroidery Studio relies on 3D printing for fashion production Home Applications & Case Studies New York Embroidery Studio relies on 3D printing for fashion production Picture: Stratasys New York Embroidery Studio (NYES) is expanding its production capacities by using the Stratasys J850 TechStyle 3D printer. With this technology, the company is integrating direct-to-textile …