The most innovative companies for energy in 2025

The most innovative companies for energy in 2025 The global energy transition has been on an extraordinary tear in recent years, one that even President Donald Trump, with his dismantling of U.S. climate policy, will struggle to reverse. Propelled by record levels of public and private investment, utility-scale solar and wind power accounted for close …

Peru’s Great Urban Experiment (2023)

Peru’s Great Urban Experiment (2023) An aerial view of Peru’s Moche Valley shows Chan Chan, a massive city constructed beginning in the early eleventh century A.D. by the rulers of the Kingdom of Chimor, leaders of a people known as the Chimú. Chan Chan sprawled across more than seven square miles and had a population …

Germany’s new government can’t just walk away from climate protection

Germany’s new government can’t just walk away from climate protection Since 2019, Germany’s Climate Protection Act has had aimed to reduce Germany’s carbon emissions to zero by 2045. The incoming new government has to adhere to this law. Will it though? The topic of the climate crisis barely made it into this winter’s election campaign …

South Africa To Host First G20 Trade And Investment Meeting

South Africa To Host First G20 Trade And Investment Meeting South Africa will host the the first G20 Trade and Investment Working Group meeting under its presidency from March 18 to March 20, the Department of Trade, Industry and Competition (DTIC) announced here on Wednesday. South Africa officially assumed the presidency of the G20 in …

ICON builds sustainable housing projects in the Mueller community

ICON builds sustainable housing projects in the Mueller community Picture: ICON The company ICON has announced a new construction project that will be realized in collaboration with Michael Hsu Office of Architecture and the developer Catellus. Starting in 2025, a dozen two-story homes will be built in the Mueller community in Austin, Texas. In addition, …

Verso la neutralità climatica: la classifica 2025 delle regioni italiane

Verso la neutralità climatica: la classifica 2025 delle regioni italiane La fotografia della neutralità climatica nelle regioni italiane nel rapporto CIRO 2025 (Climate Indicators for Italian RegiOns) realizzato da Italy for Climate e ISPRA È un quadro “in movimento” quello del percorso delle regioni italiane verso la neutralità climatica. Costellato di molti esempi virtuosi. Ma …

Asili nido, in arrivo un nuovo bando da 800 milioni di euro

Asili nido, in arrivo un nuovo bando da 800 milioni di euro 07/03/2025 – Il Governo ha annunciato un nuovo bando asili nido da 800 milioni di euro, finalizzato alla costruzione e riqualificazione di strutture per la prima infanzia. L’annuncio è stato dato mercoledì alla Camera dal Ministro per gli affari europei, il PNRR e le …

Hyundai Ioniq 9: Game-changing electric SUV offers long range and next-level comfort, features and capabilities

Hyundai Ioniq 9: Game-changing electric SUV offers long range and next-level comfort, features and capabilities Hyundai Motor expands its Ioniq lineup with the all-new three-row electric SUV, combining spacious design, distinctive styling and cutting-edge EV technology Since its debut in November, Hyundai Motor Company’s Ioniq 9 electric SUV has been hailed as one of the most anticipated …

European Startup Says Electric Aviation Isn’t Just Possible But Profitable

European Startup Says Electric Aviation Isn’t Just Possible But Profitable Vaeridion’s electric microliner aircraft concept. Vaeridion, 2024 Despite the aviation industry’s bid to cut carbon emissions, the idea of electric planes seems farfetched to many. But Munich, Germany-based green aviation startup Vaeridion, believes its battery-powered microliner concept for carbon neutral short-haul travel will defy skeptics. …

Illuminazione pubblica intelligente: cos’è e quali vantaggi offre alle città

Illuminazione pubblica intelligente: cos’è e quali vantaggi offre alle città 06/03/2025 – L’illuminazione pubblica intelligente, nota anche come Smart Lighting, è un sistema avanzato che sfrutta tecnologie digitali, tra cui IoT (Internet of Things), Bluetooth, Wi-Fi e ZigBee, per gestire e ottimizzare l’illuminazione urbana.   Grazie alla connettività e all’automazione, consente di migliorare l’efficienza energetica, ridurre …

Foley Automotive Update 06 March 2025

Foley Automotive Update 06 March 2025 Foley is here to help you through all aspects of rethinking your long-term business strategies, investments, partnerships, and technology. Contact the authors, your Foley relationship partner, or our Automotive Team to discuss and learn more. Special Update — Trump Administration and Tariff Policies Foley & Lardner provided an update on the potential …

Sustainability Trends in Hospitality: Strategies and Examples

Sustainability Trends in Hospitality: Strategies and Examples Climate change is driving the world’s agenda. Business leaders everywhere are wrestling with how to respond to rising public and political pressure and align their systems and operations with the goals of the Paris Climate Agreement, established to keep global warming below 2°C and ideally 1.5°C. None more …

SDG 11: Smart Lighting to Reduce Energy Usage in Buildings

SDG 11: Smart Lighting to Reduce Energy Usage in Buildings Saving the Earth with AI + the Internet of Things Buildings are responsible for 27% of operational carbon emissions due to their energy usage. Connecting office building occupancy to lighting can cut that usage by as much as 40%. Motion detectors can reduce wasteful energy …

Si alza il sipario su KEY 2025, evento di riferimento per la transizione energetica

Si alza il sipario su KEY 2025, evento di riferimento per la transizione energetica Dal 5 al 7 marzo alla Fiera di Rimini torna per la sua terza edizione stand alone KEY, la manifestazione organizzata da IEG (Italian Exhibition Group) sulla transizione e l’efficienza energetica. 20 padiglioni, oltre 1.000 espositori di cui più del 30% …

Bonficare Los Angeles colpita dagli incendi non è imprea facile

Bonficare Los Angeles colpita dagli incendi non è imprea facile Gli incendi che hanno colpito il Sud della California all’inizio di gennaio non hanno solamente raso al suolo interi quartieri di Los Angeles come Pacific Palisades e Eaton. Una volta estinte le fiamme, restano le macerie degli oggetti che sono bruciati: macchine, dispositivi elettronici, frigoriferi …