Rethinking energy demand can foster sustainable development and reduce emissions from buildings and transport

Rethinking energy demand can foster sustainable development and reduce emissions from buildings and transport In a new study, scientists show that a mix of policy measures, including both technological solutions and behavioral changes, can significantly reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from energy use in buildings and transport. February 6, 2025 at 09:53PM

Researchers discover simple solution to break down forever chemicals

Researchers discover simple solution to break down forever chemicals A researcher has discovered a new method to remove so-called ‘forever chemicals’ from our drinking water by heating the PFAS with granular activated carbon. The discovery represents a significant breakthrough in managing PFAS-containing solid wastes, biosolids and spent adsorbent media that are major concerns to farmers …

Potential in cultivation of a special nutritious microalga

Potential in cultivation of a special nutritious microalga The microalga Nannochloropsis oceanica holds potential as a valuable source of sustainably produced nutrients such as protein, omega-3 fatty acids, and vitamin K2. A new study shows that cultivation conditions, particularly temperature and light, play a significant role in the yield. February 5, 2025 at 08:56PM

Partnership working key to unlocking EV battery recycling problem

Partnership working key to unlocking EV battery recycling problem Recyclers, battery manufacturers, and electric vehicle manufacturers must work together to revolutionize lithium-ion battery (LIB) recycling processes to meet ever-growing demand for electric vehicles (EVs) and energy storage systems. February 5, 2025 at 02:16AM

Nanomaterials are emerging as a powerful tool for coastal oil spill cleanup

Nanomaterials are emerging as a powerful tool for coastal oil spill cleanup Advances in nanotechnology may provide solutions to oil spill cleanups in coastal regions that are more effective, safer and work much faster than current methods, according to a new paper. The paper synthesizes, reviews and analyzes between 40 and 50 studies on the …

Global groundwater sulfate distribution map uncovers public health risks for 17 million people

Global groundwater sulfate distribution map uncovers public health risks for 17 million people A recent study has revealed a startling public health threat: About 17 million people are at risk of gastrointestinal problems due to excessive sulfate levels in groundwater. This alarming finding emerged from the first high-resolution global groundwater sulfate distribution map. February 4, …

Building a circular future: Study reveals key organizational capabilities for sustainability

Building a circular future: Study reveals key organizational capabilities for sustainability A recent study by management scholars underscores the importance of organizations’ dynamic capabilities for greener business practices. Analyzing data from 139 manufacturing companies, the research reveals that financial and technological expertise combined with adaptability to regulations and evolving consumer demands, are key to advancing …

TV: MASE, Linea Verde Italia a Catanzaro

TV: MASE, Linea Verde Italia a Catanzaro TV: MASE, Linea Verde Italia a Catanzaro Ven, 02/07/2025 – 12:04 Roma, 7 febbraio – È dedicata a Catanzaro la prossima puntata di “Linea Verde Italia”, programma realizzato dalla Rai in convenzione con il Ministero dell’Ambiente e della Sicurezza energetica. Nel corso della puntata in onda su …

Care leavers: fondo o non fondo occorre proseguire con l’esperienza, ecco perché

Care leavers: fondo o non fondo occorre proseguire con l’esperienza, ecco perché Per un fondo sperimentale (quello per il contrasto della povertà educativa) che si sta provando a salvare con gli emendamenti al Milleproroghe (qui gli emendamenti che sono stati presentati, anche se al momento la situazione è ferma), ce n’è un altro che già …

Bonifiche: Pichetto, “costante attenzione su risanamento territori Terra dei Fuochi e Taranto”

Bonifiche: Pichetto, “costante attenzione su risanamento territori Terra dei Fuochi e Taranto” Bonifiche: Pichetto, “costante attenzione su risanamento territori Terra dei Fuochi e Taranto” IannilliGNN@ma… Mer, 02/05/2025 – 17:38 Nel Question Time a Montecitorio, il Ministro fa anche il punto sui costi energetici: “Impegno a valutare possibili misure strutturali e contingenti per mitigare effetti degli …

Energia: Pichetto firma decreto per anticipare aste stoccaggio gas

Energia: Pichetto firma decreto per anticipare aste stoccaggio gas Energia: Pichetto firma decreto per anticipare aste stoccaggio gas IannilliGNN@ma… Mar, 02/04/2025 – 13:58 “Misura per evitare aggravi, atto concreto per cittadini e imprese”. A disposizione quota fino a 5000 milioni di metri cubi. Roma, 4 febbraio – Il Ministro dell’Ambiente e della Sicurezza energetica, Gilberto …

Economia circolare, dalle cicche di sigarette la montatura per gli occhiali

Economia circolare, dalle cicche di sigarette la montatura per gli occhiali Come indicato nella cookie policy, l’accettazione implica la possibilità per il Sole 24 Ore e per alcuni di archiviare e/o accedere a informazioni su un dispositivo, accedere a dati di geolocalizzazione precisi e identificazione attraverso la scansione del dispositivo per: annunci e contenuti personalizzati, …